
The globalist blueprint to take over the world: copying the lessons of the boy who cried wolf

Too Germanic for Germany

Is the CIA playing with fire again?

Germans footing the bill for Israel's navy and told to build Israel's warships for free

Obama to end 22 year-old HIV/AIDS travel ban

21st century women in 21 seconds

Einigkeit, Recht und Freiheit für Deutsche - wer spricht heute noch davon?

Gewaltbereit, hasserfüllt, staatfinanziert: die Antifa greift wieder an!

Anti-Germans attack and wound German

Leipzig Demo Recht auf Zukunft: Teilnehmer eingekesselt und später angegriffen

Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize for essentially just existing

Multicultists attack national fraternity in Greifswald

Antideutschen in hit-and-run after trying to set pub on fire

Civil servant fined, disgraced and facing sack over anti-Israel rant

Israel gets tough on intermarriage: more Israeli/Jewish double standards

White Guilt Awareness Day

No business like Shoah Business - yet another fraud

Mohammed is the #1 baby boy’s name in London and third most popular in the UK

When churches become mosques...

National Emergency! Queen Obama has run out of spices!

Die Linke und ihr widersprechendes Argument

Jetzt gibts Wahlwerbungen auf Türkisch in Deutschland

The Eternal Shouting Match Between Arminius and Flavus

BRD: Freiheit für Deutschland?

What do you know about CAMERA?

A lesson in "art"