Today there was a pro-German demonstration in Leipzig. Afterwards, three men who had taken a train back to their home city were followed and jumped by masked Anti-Germans. One victim who was attacked by the Anti-Germans sustained repeated kicks to the head and ribs. He had to be carried to a stretcher and transported in a stationary position to the hospital. The Anti-Germans quickly fled the scene.
Don't expect to find the specifics about this attack in any newspaper in Germany tomorrow. A system which purports that raising anti-German zombies is healthy has no interest in reporting this savagery. Anything that shows the reality of what the left's state-financed agenda leads to will be quickly swept under the rug, just like it always is.
Update: the police report (in German):
Don't expect to find the specifics about this attack in any newspaper in Germany tomorrow. A system which purports that raising anti-German zombies is healthy has no interest in reporting this savagery. Anything that shows the reality of what the left's state-financed agenda leads to will be quickly swept under the rug, just like it always is.
Update: the police report (in German):
Zeit: 18.10.2009 gegen 01:10 Uhr
Ort: Dresden- Mitte, Ringstraße
Drei junge Männer, welche von einer „Demo“ aus Leipzig kamen, wurden durch etwa 20 Vermummte massiv angegriffen. Bei den Tätern handelte es sich laut Aussagen der Opfer, um Personen des linken Spektrums. Ein 22 Jahre alter Geschädigter erlitt dabei so schwere Verletzungen, dass er stationär in ein Krankenhaus eingeliefert werden musste. Die beiden anderen Angegriffenen im Alter von 19 und 20 Jahren wurden leicht verletzt. (Quelle)