
Can this be right?!! whodunit, opinion polls and the COVID-19 coronavirus 🇩🇪

Merkel: up to 70% of the population could get the COVID-19 coronavirus - her 58 million people

COVID-19 coronavirus update: the plague we deserve?

Have you heard of Heidi Beirich?

Sollte man die AfD wählen, oder bloß die Altparteien?

Germany: migrant shoves 8 year-old and mother into path of train, media gives up

Germany: migrants throw 40 year-old into path of oncoming train and block his escape, state prosecutors let assailants walk free

The FPÖ in Austria was founded by ex-Nazis

At least 12 dead, 48 injured in terrorist attack in Berlin

Merry Christmas, Germany: more than 30 Christian monuments defiled over the last month and more than 2800 churches vandalized in 2016

Exposed: the Merkel-Regime is paying off civilians who help obstruct anti-Merkel protests

CDU - Sprachrohr des Großkapitals

Will Germany survive? A look at the country and the struggle to defeat the CDU's politics

Minister President Tillich (CDU) wants more foreigners in Saxony

Ein junges (dummes) Volk steht auf...

Antideutschen in hit-and-run after trying to set pub on fire

Germany's CDU, the CHRISTIAN Democratic Union, calls Islam a part of Germany and wants more Muslims

Die Islamo-türkifizierung Deutschlands - der Kulturkampf geht weiter

Germany's "youth" crimes and the Nazi alarm

Mass-breeding vs. hyper-immigration: ideological clashes in the midst of Europe's fertility crisis