
D-Day: winning it all...for this?

D-Day: clown world invades

Meet the eternal mess cleaners of democracy - and those who just want a selfie

UPDATE: "hit-and-run for life plus 419 years" contest heats up: police, Denver, Bakersfield and New York are all now participating!!

EPIC: Tucker Carlson destroys Republican and Democrat centrists, gets revenge for suggestion that he speaks for Russian television, "carrying water for Kremlin"

Victory through censorship!

The Chinese are laughing at us - no, really, they are LITERALLY laughing at us

Paul Broun: those "looting hordes from Atlanta"

"Sort of a punch in the face to anyone who is trying to stop the browning of America"

And now: Blacks who do not support open borders are Nazis

Highly controversial 60 Minutes video about George Soros resurfaces!

The forbidden beauty of national homogeneity: nice things you cannot have

Fact: Blacks set to benefit from the South Africa land grab are themselves migrants

"Jewish horror" over German election concerning party that "trafficked" anti-Semitism

The modern censorship culture: a sharp turn from Enlightenment intellectualism

Immer mehr Deutsche haben die Schnauze voll und fliehen nach Ungarn

TED on the magic of diversity

Motorcycle culture: three generations of reflection

BREAKING NEWS: angry homeless man is not happy with society

Chimpanzee or millennial?