
Video: who will get laid off in an economic downturn, the H-1B or the American worker?

The Chinese are laughing at us - no, really, they are LITERALLY laughing at us

It begins: Dems in position to take 'safe' Republican Senate seat in MONTANA; Trump polling poorly in TEXAS

According to a former White House official, Jared Kushner is "the de facto President of the United States"

Western fail: migrant disobeys social distancing, spits on and attacks male officer, female officer does nothing

Trump: America's last Republican President

BREAKING: Trump announces end to immigration!

And now: Blacks who do not support open borders are Nazis

Merkel: up to 70% of the population could get the COVID-19 coronavirus - her 58 million people

For folks to poop on: Western Europe (part I)

Have you heard of Heidi Beirich?

Actually, the "best decade" ended shortly after it began. But there is hope.

The Irish: life at the center of an American tug-of-war

The Democrats' strategy is how the North won the Civil War - and the South tried to fight it

Roughly 90% of 2015’s “Syrian refugees” in Sweden are living on welfare

Italian leader Salvini accused of "kidnapping" after stopping boat filled with illegals

Immer mehr Deutsche haben die Schnauze voll und fliehen nach Ungarn

TED on the magic of diversity

Germany: migrant shoves 8 year-old and mother into path of train, media gives up

The lure of Merkel, the wrinkly, menopausal siren, claims another 150 lives