
Muslims riot over plans for Christian church in Cairo

Does "Mr. Microsoft" fund the jihadist movement!?

Ein junges (dummes) Volk steht auf...

Danger in Europe: Islamisierung

Israel’s big and small apartheids

Court: Minaret-building can also begin in Minden, Germany

UK Newsflash: Muslim protesters "will be allowed to throw their shoes"

Netherlands: Woman sues after her hijab causes go-kart accident

Terroranschlägen in Moskau: Islamische Terroristen verantwortlich

Dieses System bringt uns den Volkstod!

Aber wie ist es mit dem Christentum in der Türkei?

Mohammed is the #1 baby boy’s name in London and third most popular in the UK

When churches become mosques...

Was bedeutet, und was ist, typisch „amerikanisch?“

Muslims complain about church bells in national anthem and a "blasphemous" football anthem

Slowly becoming a "nation of immigrants", Germany gets good marks from Githu Muigai, UN

Rostock forced to build a new, 60000 Euro Mosque after Muslims complain that old one doesn't have minarets

One of the last-living World War II Spitfire Pilots joins the BNP

Germany's CDU, the CHRISTIAN Democratic Union, calls Islam a part of Germany and wants more Muslims

British caretaker banned from profession after girl under her careconverts from Islam to Christianity