
George Soros visits and kisses European Commission President

HUGE: Facebook purges 30,000 accounts prior to the French election

Rapper detained during shooting: 1990's 'hood meets 2017's jihad

Europeans love their Champions League football, but seem indifferent to football bus being bombed

$50,000,000.00 in fines for "hate": Facebook, Twitter, YouTube to be affected by Germany's bizarre new law

Germany: migrants throw 40 year-old into path of oncoming train and block his escape, state prosecutors let assailants walk free

Germany's latest migrant attacks: the axe-man from "former Yugoslavia" and the mysterious, unnamed suspect who remains at large

Media: SPD's Martin Schulz is a "man of the people"

Es werden Polizeistaaten generiert...

Martin Schulz: "Deutschland existiert nur um die Existenz des israelischen Staates und um das israelische Volk zu sichern"

Dresden fights on: city workers hang "your politics are garbage" banner atop monument

Mythbusting: the truth about Dresden, Winston Churchill and the German-British War

Refugee-monument artist designed maps of Islamicized Europe

On the German guilt question and the secrets of the nationalist-turned-globalist corporate cult

Biggest refugee disaster of all time at sea: almost ten thousand die

The FPÖ in Austria was founded by ex-Nazis

#Merkelmustgo #Merkelmussweg

At least 12 dead, 48 injured in terrorist attack in Berlin

Exposed: the Merkel-Regime is paying off civilians who help obstruct anti-Merkel protests

Kauf nicht bei New Balance! The international left starts a boycott