
More chaos in France: man brought to the ground after pulling a knife by airport

How to stop jihadist terrorism: a step-by-step guide

Should immigrants actually support nationalist right?

SCANDAL: foreigners get to vote twice in French election

QUELLE? Facebook purge 30 000 comptes pour éviter une influence indésirable lors des élections françaises!

Terrorist in lorry attack was likely heading for the Swedish PARLIAMENT

How Islamic will Europe be in 50 years?

$50,000,000.00 in fines for "hate": Facebook, Twitter, YouTube to be affected by Germany's bizarre new law

Macron le canular : le banquier-candidat avec des amis socialistes

The socialist banker candidate: revolution or collusion?

BREAKING: terrorist attack at British parliament!!

Swedish company "Telia": it's normal for your woman to leave her family to fuck black migrants

Germany: migrants throw 40 year-old into path of oncoming train and block his escape, state prosecutors let assailants walk free

BREAKING: gunfight breaks out with terrorist migrant at Paris airport

Sweden implements compulsory military service amidst "Russian tensions" but there is more to the story

A "US-Russia-new Europe" alliance could be emerging: how did we get here and where will it go?

#Merkelmustgo #Merkelmussweg

"And never the twain shall meet": an overview of the effort to keep Russia from Europe and Europe from Russia

"Demokraten"-Diktatur: das ist eure BRD