
"l’immigration se révèle une chance d’un point économique, culturel, social!"

NEW radical Islamist terror attack in Russia, reveals clues about West's future

BREAKING: rules for naming religious or migrant backgrounds in crime reports changed hours after London attacks

"We can't throw all the migrants 'under the bus' because of a few bad apples"

Swedish company "Telia": it's normal for your woman to leave her family to fuck black migrants

Germany: migrants throw 40 year-old into path of oncoming train and block his escape, state prosecutors let assailants walk free

Germany's latest migrant attacks: the axe-man from "former Yugoslavia" and the mysterious, unnamed suspect who remains at large

Es werden Polizeistaaten generiert...

Dresden fights on: city workers hang "your politics are garbage" banner atop monument

Refugee-monument artist designed maps of Islamicized Europe

BREAKING: Protests erupt as Germany unveils enormous, hideous pro-refugee monument

Time for some 'member berries: remember when Obama supported a stronger border wall?

You're fired! President Trump sacks top lawyer who spurns immigration order

Biggest refugee disaster of all time at sea: almost ten thousand die

German mayor: on 13th February, remember the Syrian refugees and honor new monument

#Merkelmustgo #Merkelmussweg

At least 12 dead, 48 injured in terrorist attack in Berlin

Merry Christmas, Germany: more than 30 Christian monuments defiled over the last month and more than 2800 churches vandalized in 2016

A look at the war on "whiteness" in American culture

Happy "your father, grandfathers, uncles and great uncles fought for everyone to be honored but them" Day