When examining secondary school classroom material in the United States, you can usually find:
Very little changes if you pursue higher education. Class discussions push theories such as the one that the grid-like design for New York City's streets goes back to Africa, or that German culture was responsible for the Holocaust because of what Richard Wagner and Martin Luther said at some time. Each lesson pushes you to appreciate things like Africa and grow more ashamed of, and disinterested in, European-established culture.
Social entertainment further enforces this binary. In movies and cinema, Whites males are usually given the roles of villain or nerdy outcast, while the roles of the masculine and charismatic are generally given to Non-White males. Modern mainstream rock, despite being a "predominantly white" venue, is overcrowded with artists that offer thick critiques of White culture (Marilyn Manson, Rage Against the Machine, 311, Green Day and Anti-flag, to name a few). To its credit, music that fits the country genre does this much less often and, as everybody knows, that genre is a typically White staple. But the country music industry is constantly going out of its way to suggest the opposite. It also frequently tries to cross over to the rap genre which, as everyone knows, is dominated by Non-Whites and presented as the "cool" hip music. Perhaps this is because, apart from Eminem, it is music by Non-Whites, from and about city turf dominated by Black people - like Bronx or Compton - which White people have learned it is "cool" to say they are from even if they are not. The suburbs, where White people are most commonly from, gather negative associations.
- demonizing of White people: lessons conveying the idea that people of European descent murdered the Jews and enslaved Blacks. (Forget that very few served in the SS Einsatzgruppen and only 1.6% of the population sat atop a slave-owning plantation in the early United States. Forget that Whites themselves were once slaves, or that Blacks enslaved Blacks, that is not in the curriculum).
- praise for Non-White people: for example, there may be a celebration of the contributions that Non-Whites made to Western society, including fireworks and peanut products; there are also lessons about MLK Jr., Anne Frank and Harriet Tubman, not to mention Kwanzaa (all instead of praise for "dead white men" such as Christopher Columbus, George Washington, Davy Crockett or Teddy Roosevelt - the old mainstay of American education)
Very little changes if you pursue higher education. Class discussions push theories such as the one that the grid-like design for New York City's streets goes back to Africa, or that German culture was responsible for the Holocaust because of what Richard Wagner and Martin Luther said at some time. Each lesson pushes you to appreciate things like Africa and grow more ashamed of, and disinterested in, European-established culture.
Social entertainment further enforces this binary. In movies and cinema, Whites males are usually given the roles of villain or nerdy outcast, while the roles of the masculine and charismatic are generally given to Non-White males. Modern mainstream rock, despite being a "predominantly white" venue, is overcrowded with artists that offer thick critiques of White culture (Marilyn Manson, Rage Against the Machine, 311, Green Day and Anti-flag, to name a few). To its credit, music that fits the country genre does this much less often and, as everybody knows, that genre is a typically White staple. But the country music industry is constantly going out of its way to suggest the opposite. It also frequently tries to cross over to the rap genre which, as everyone knows, is dominated by Non-Whites and presented as the "cool" hip music. Perhaps this is because, apart from Eminem, it is music by Non-Whites, from and about city turf dominated by Black people - like Bronx or Compton - which White people have learned it is "cool" to say they are from even if they are not. The suburbs, where White people are most commonly from, gather negative associations.
In everyday life, "that's so white" has become an insult; white culture is denigrated for either being "sterile", "wasp-y" or
"old-fashioned" on the one hand or, especially when it comes to country and rural America, "white trash" and "backwards" on the other. In fact, these rural, lower class whites are the only group that can be universally made fun of on a routine basis - on television, music, movies and other media. Nobody likes them, except those who defiantly embrace the identity. Let us compare that to the constant focus reminder in the culture that everything Non-White (Black and Latino) is "unique" and "cool", whether it is the "bubble butt" for twerking (Whites tend to have small asses), those fake fat lips which suddenly came in style, the hip-hop jargon and
mannerisms, the rims and chains, the dreadlocks, and on and on it goes. It is probably a distant thought, but there was even a time when Afros were in style! To nobody's surprise, this was a fashion that also did not point to the White, blonde-haired man - or Asians for that matter. Remember how they tried to forbid the opinion that this hair, or dreadlocks, were "nappy" and how that was basically the other "N word" (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)? Was it really just a coincidence that it became "offensive" to disapprove of something that was to be sold to us as Non-White and cool? I wonder.
In sports, Blacks appear to be getting all the promotion. That is and was most obviously the case with the National Basketball Association (NBA), at least since the disappearance of the White three-point shooter magic man archetype and retirement of Larry Bird. Meanwhile, in the National Football League (NFL), there are allegations that the desire for a successful Black quarterback or coach have influenced everything from officiating to promotion and positive press. And the National Hockey League (NHL), which remains predominantly White, has tried to fight this image just as much as any other industry consciously trying to do the same. In other words, the patterns that we saw earlier. Wash, rinse and repeat!
For as much as Whites are being pressured to hate their own or adopt the cultural behaviors of others, it is amazing how very little pushback there has been to what would register in the mind of any other people as a constant humiliation. If White people ever do catch on, there will be nowhere to swing the pendulum to except towards a more honest universalism - in entertainment, consumer culture, fashion and so on. Already, sports kind of fall into this category by default, because much of what happens to a player or team appears to be a chance occurrence. With its wide array of racial characters who can theoretically win at any time, there is a great potential for this to be a universal area to funnel identity, emotion and pride into. The appeal is there from one race to another as well, so this bodes well with the transition from our current hyper-racial age to a post-racial one.
On the other hand, I do not think our handlers are finished when that happens. The clearest indication is the gradually more-apparent promotion of gay and lesbian culture. This movement, which lacks any ethnic character, appears to be based on expressing pride in sex and/or relationships with someone of the same gender. Arguably, identifying yourself based on what you do with your sex organs is a dehumanizing idea and most religions would say it is degenerate and morally bankrupt. But it seems to be getting the advance as part of the intended future. Should that be the case, it has a long way to go. Note the nearly equal number of likes and dislikes in response to YouTube's attempt at a gay and lesbian promotional video:
"Coming together to celebrate identity": i.e. "identity" is what I do with my sex parts because I am told this defines me. |
Of course, this is just one example of what we might call mass culture; other examples build from the culture of television, music, movies and video games Each time, they reduce the individual to a basic state of existence: a "channel surfer", a "music fan", a "watcher" or a "button-pusher" who is playing video games in front of a screen. Porn has a similar, reductive effect.
So why would anyone want to see humanity become this? Well, all this promotion of mass culture can be used to build "one humanity." From a political perspective, this is the leftist wet dream on par with what the liberal left has tried to suggest we are always working towards. Furthermore, from a commercial prospective, this has a number of advantages. A product that appeals to a cultural "common denominator" catches the most potential consumers in its net. An appeal to base instincts, likewise, triggers the part of man that reacts to attention or pleasure and can be used to broaden the catch. Accordingly, the liberal freedoms of this country, once seen in connection with religious expression and free enterprise, can challenge honor, traditions and morals to build a new identity. There was a time when positive behavior was actually reinforced through social entertainment; now, it is degraded and challenged.
Already, one gets the sense that progress, even as we move away from the bashing-lauding dichotomy, is not all good. Sadly, if trends are any indication, we can see how all the trends over the years have brought us ever closer to a-not-altogether-capable mass man:
Already, one gets the sense that progress, even as we move away from the bashing-lauding dichotomy, is not all good. Sadly, if trends are any indication, we can see how all the trends over the years have brought us ever closer to a-not-altogether-capable mass man:

With Whites becoming less of what they were and having only an appreciation for others, age-old stereotypes about Non-Whites have, to some degree faded. But note that this transformation, and all other efforts of identity reinforcement to lift up Blacks, have brought no actual change to scores, as shown in the chart above. This is confirmed in even more recent assessments, such as the SAT. Worse, as we can see above, White performance has tumbled and few know what was or to where we are headed because of the norms that we are so used to, which have set what we can and cannot say and what is promoted or remonstrated, regardless if in school, public or entertainment media. To break the silence, it will be up to us.