
Four important gun control counterpoints

CNN used footage for Sandy Hook that was not from Sandy Hook

Debunking Snopes' debunking of the most popular Sandy Hook investigation video

Where are the Sandy Hook Elementary surveillance tapes?

What the media is not saying about gun violence

Sandy Hook - the truth comes full circle

Hypocrisy in action: Obama and his stance on children

America the Crazy: Everything is Sexual Harassment

Chicago or Afghanistan? An interesting parallel

Israeli Persecution forces Christians to Emigrate, Jesus called "Hitler of Bethlehem"

While Obama grants amnesty to illegals, Israel builds detention camps and deports African "cancer"

Modern Germany: a modern mess

From Britannia to Barack: between the promise and reality of globalism

Kirsten Heisig: ihre Geschichte (Kirsten Heisig: her story)

Marine Le Pen speaks out

Killing spree in U.S. Capitol, press is silent

No looting in Japan - why?

Wie Demokraten? Wo bleibt die Demokratie?

Mordversuch an einem Politiker...und die Presse wird totgeschwiegen

Politisch Motivierte Kriminalität: interessante Statistik