
"The Good Fight"

Should we raise girls to become mothers?

Terrible Western Women strike again

YouTube sued for discrimination against Whites

The California situation - six miles of homelessness in 'new India'

BREAKING: Trump protesters allege Trump incited a riot and seek compensation. Court says they may have a case

NEW radical Islamist terror attack in Russia, reveals clues about West's future

MSNBC host, 2008: "my job is to make this presidency work"

Swedish company "Telia": it's normal for your woman to leave her family to fuck black migrants

Sweden implements compulsory military service amidst "Russian tensions" but there is more to the story

Germany's 'freedom monument to Aleppo' based on real-life structure by jihadist rebel organization Ahrar ash-Sham

Dresden fights on: city workers hang "your politics are garbage" banner atop monument

On the German guilt question and the secrets of the nationalist-turned-globalist corporate cult

"Come be PC"

#Merkelmustgo #Merkelmussweg

Obama gives us Blue Pill Hillary Clinton and Red Pill Hillary Clinton

"And never the twain shall meet": an overview of the effort to keep Russia from Europe and Europe from Russia

Debunking Snopes' debunking of the most popular Sandy Hook investigation video

Where are the Sandy Hook Elementary surveillance tapes?

What the media is not saying about gun violence