Terrible Western Women strike again

Occasionally, this site has served as a quiet place to chronicle some 'encounters of the strange' in dealing with Western Women. For example:


There are other experiences too, some which I am legally bound not to share. Someday, I will. But today, I will be hosting somebody else's experience, and in video format:

Each of these experiences reflects on a very "micro" level how larger, "macro" changes have affected our lives. But some do not see the connection. This is unfortunate because such a person, limited by tunnel vision, is kept from truly understanding the problem.

What is going on is twofold: first, whereas men are currently the subject of society's efforts to restrict and reprogram, turning them into docile and submissive soyboys, nothing has been done to stop female sexual attraction to the exact opposite. This is why we are here in 2018 and Florida mass murderer Niklas Cruz is receiving a sea of love letters; second, unrestrained and not only lacking encouragement to behave civilly but also encouraged to misbehave, women are cutting down "the weak", such as engineers who can put us on planet Mars, and largely making the world a place of their sexcations, infidelity, sexually transmitted diseases and selfish, bucket-list accomplishments, like fucking underage students, the last frontier of taboo.

The male responses, MGTOW (men going their own way) and PUA (pick-up artistry), are ways to cope, but are both making the world situation worse. For example, MGTOW is taking the hard workers and potentially good fathers out of the gene pool and possibly limiting them, as the 'behind every good man is a good woman' shtick would suggest; meanwhile, PUA is producing bitter single moms, consuming time that males could put into more productive purposes and exploiting female hard-wiring to create false attraction that does not create lasting relationships. Plus, through PUA, one begins to understand women in their unevolved form, see the ugliness behind the mask and discover how incapable they are of acting beyond a script. In the end, all you are doing is black pilling yourself with a chosen way to cope.

Instead of all this, we need to try to fix the problem again. We do not even try to make fun of the Scarlets of the world anymore. That needs to change. We need to take the culture back, and push forward. Because, looking at where we are now, who would even want this civilization on Mars? It's garbage.