"Come be PC"

This music video parodies The Little Mermaid song "Under the Sea" - and thunders back at political correctness culture. Pure gold, Chris Ray Gun.

Come Be PC, by Chris Ray Gun

I know that you've got opinions
But won't you consider this,
Your skin tone opresses millions
So just quiet down a bit
Come join me in gender studies
Come get a useless degree
And when you make garbage money
Take no responsibility
Come be PC, Come be PC
Things are so splendid
When you're offended
Take it from me
We're fighting for progress, can't you see?
Silencing all who might disagree
So, respectfully
Be a crybully
Come be PC
Come join us in our safe spaces
Our shelteres from points of view
And maybe on rare ocasions
We'll let you think something new

But if we deem your thoughts toxic
We might have to shut you down
And if you critique our logic
Better use our prefered pronouns

Come be PC, Come be PC
Our low key racism
Is heroism
Let's all fight for the little guy
From our parents mansion online
Come join our prison
Look what you're missin'
Come be PC, Come be PC
We're a collective
Diffferent perspectives
Must go unseen
Different opinions are okay
As long as they're different in the same way
Come join our cult
It's not difficult
Oh, come be PC

Ooooh, Come be PC, Come be PC
Freedom of speech is
Simply not needed
I guarantee
As long as everyone agrees
We will live in perfect harmony
That's what I'm sellin'
Ain't it compellin'?
Come be PC
No more mansplaining
No victim blaming
Come be PC
No problematic
Words to cause panic
No more traumatic
Facts wreaking havoc
On our vapid
Minds going rabid
Come be PC