
The rise and fall of the American century: the "good war" narrative and rise of global America (part I)

Sabre-rattling over Syria: Daisies no more

YouTube sued for discrimination against Whites

RoundUp, Glyphosate and Monsanto: saturating America since the 1990s

World Bank defector Karen Hudes blows whistle regarding the globalist bank, mega-corporations and control through debt slavery

How to get into Stanford or an Ivy League school in 5 easy steps

Harvard Fraternity Decides to Allow Females and Others In, Moves to Become 'Gender Neutral'

"We can't throw all the migrants 'under the bus' because of a few bad apples"

Are British war films the new obsession? If so, it is time to meme the truth about World War II

A "US-Russia-new Europe" alliance could be emerging: how did we get here and where will it go?

Christmas culture and the European mind, as explored in film

Declassified: on Obama's watch, U.S. sought involvement in Syria to replace a regime (and create a buffer zone with troops to strengthen Israel vis-a-vis Iran)

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How 'bout some more aid for Israel and nothing for Palestine?

Chicago or Afghanistan? An interesting parallel

From Britannia to Barack: between the promise and reality of globalism

White population in the USA per census year

Black power - as American as Apple pie?

Beware of the "American Dream" - and the Rothschilds