
Rationalizing away the nation

Mickey Mouse Marxism

Cultures and people

Marine Le Pen speaks out

The Internet, YouTube and Freedom of Speech

Was der Globalismus hat aus Frankfurt gemacht - und schafft überall

Take action for our folk

White population in the USA per census year

Die Welt: 1 in every 4 residents in Berlin have non-German ancestry

Obama, the "new" century and the fate of the European-descended peoples

Kurz vor zwölf in Deutschland: the demographic war begins

Wie Demokraten? Wo bleibt die Demokratie?

Beware of the "American Dream" - and the Rothschilds

He..was geht up? Ich bin in der Bronx...ä nun?

What modernism and the multicultural environment have done to Frankfurt...and do to every city

"Too German...": professor analyzes census, thinks Dresden has too many Germans

Meinungsfreiheit, Verdrehung der Geschichte und Stasi-Spitzel bei den etablierten Parteien

Berliner Morgenpost: so hetzen sie...

Massive Israeli manipulation of US media exposed

Obama gives Muslims the green light to build mosque at World Trade Center site