
Muslims complain about church bells in national anthem and a "blasphemous" football anthem

Media control in Germany

Muhammed cartoons and Bible scribblings

Vinland Map of America no forgery, expert says

Ausländerkriminalität: ein deutsches Tabuthema

Record turnout at "Rock für Deutschland"

The situation in Gaza: International Red Cross gives its report

Obama Administration: 50% of Americans are terrorists and so are you

Church volunteers deported from England under new "anti-terror" law

Teaching: an education in itself

Celebrating the UK's internationalism

Italy toughens its immigration laws, EU multiculturalists and the UN not pleased

Choosing democracy?

Katyn: The Story Hollywood Won’t Tell

The "Melting Pot"

Slowly becoming a "nation of immigrants", Germany gets good marks from Githu Muigai, UN

Holocaust victims, Holodomor perpetrators and the battle over history

In the US, lottery proceeds benefit the elderly...and in Britain?

Rapping in da State Parliament, yo

Jewish comic likens Muslims to penises and cockroaches. Where is the ADL?