Look at the book cover to the right; clearly, the word "democracy" is being portrayed as a synonym for multiculturalism, a system which destroys the homogeneity of a community - the very thing that allows a democratically-elected government to be reflective and representational of the group's interests in the first place.
Now take another look at the book cover and tell me: where are the descendants of the light-featured people who founded the countries where the book will be distributed? Where are the people who populate few areas of the world in large number other than these countries? Where are the people who are the absolute smallest minority in terms of world population? These people, people of Northern-European heritage, have no place on the book cover - just as there is no place for them in the system that the book advocates. This new, multicultural system destroys the power and representation of Northern-Europeans by encouraging the foreignization of the Northern-European-founded countries through immigration and policy. Therefore, what we are actually witnessing is the antithesis of democracy: the silencing and disempowerment of the host population, particularly through direct discrimination vis-a-vis race quotas, as well as propaganda like the book at left, replacing a natural appreciation for one's own people with a hatred for the same.