
Tales of honor: an exemplorary deed by a dying breed

Iowa celebrates "Cinco de Mayo" with racist $1,000 scholarship

Clinton threatens to "obliterate" Iran in the event of an Israeli-Iranian conflict

Humans nearly wiped out 70,000 years ago, study says

Mord in Stolberg!

Obama courts the Jewish lobby, but can the pro-Israel crowd trust him?

AIPAC and J Street: two heads to the same body?

BBC report about new, left-leaning Jewish political interest group unintentionally reveals the power of the American Jewish lobby

Fines and prison sentences for questioning Islam: exactly whose land do we live in?

Celebrating diversity with McDonald's

Norwegen in der Not: Nød i Norge

Report: Norwegians open to non-native immigrants (just as long as they stay out of the neighborhood)

Election 2008: three heads to a monster and a tiny ray of light

Jessica Alba: no English for MY kids!

Family enraged over outcome to racially-charged murder case

"Bavarian" Cueneyt Ciftci is Germany's first suicide bomber

UK: 1.61 million unemployed...and 85% of all new jobs going to non-natives?

Death by diversity

UK students not making the grade; mass-idiot culture, parental incompetence blamed

There's no business like 'Shoah' business; author reveals that her best-selling account of the Holocaust is a hoax

Germany's "youth" crimes and the Nazi alarm

Going the way of the Soviet Union? America must look in the mirror

Tales from an upside-down land: the new culture of Germany

"Whites to become minority in US by 2050"

Sports, race and identity

"We the People"

De facto segregation in the United States

Shootout with Mexican police ends, three Hispanic-Americans arrested

Political party wins court battle, right to air commercial

How stupid can you be?