
The forbidden beauty of national homogeneity: nice things you cannot have

Let others make problems; you, happy Russia, make children

For folks to poop on: California (part III)

For folks to poop on: East Asia, India and Africa (part II)

For folks to poop on: Western Europe (part I)

SPLC, Antifa and U.S. military team up for religious discrimination, destroy lives of servicemen

Have you heard of Heidi Beirich?

Actually, the "best decade" ended shortly after it began. But there is hope.

Would Christ be condemned by Western mainstream politicians - and banned from Twitter, Facebook and YouTube?

Santa's hat: the newest symbol of anti-Semitic extremism?

Brookings' darling German journo-careerist puts the tard in libtarded

Lol: Facebook purges page about the Islamic revolution of 1979

Seriously, these are the women at our nation's top think tanks?