
Die Linke und freien Surfen im Internet

On America's financial crisis

U.S. man who gave secrets to Israel spared prison

EU thought police on the rampage, institute language bans in Parliament

The 5000 Euro E-mail: be careful who you write to discussing the Holocaust

The Communist Response to the Reichstag Fire: The Brown Book

Parody of Nickelback's Rockstar

Dr. Noel Ignatiev (Harvard) and Higher Education Exposed

USA: Illegal Immigration Facts

'Sum' children are more equal than others

French, English and globalization

Enoch was right

One "human race"? Well, first, was there even one "Neanderthal race"?

Rostock forced to build a new, 60000 Euro Mosque after Muslims complain that old one doesn't have minarets

The death of Daniel Pratt

About Germany and its population...

German advertisers target Turks in Berlin, abandon ads written in German

U.S. aid to Israel: the numbers are simply astounding

New York Times collapses to Zionist Pressures

One of the last-living World War II Spitfire Pilots joins the BNP

Germany's CDU, the CHRISTIAN Democratic Union, calls Islam a part of Germany and wants more Muslims

List of scholarships available only to gays, lesbians and bisexuals