
Did U.S. strike on Syria target lab for CANCER RESEARCH?

The Sound of Americana: Austrian identity, victimhood, the Anschluss, and the silver screen

All day, every day: non-stop derision of 'whitey'

RoundUp, Glyphosate and Monsanto: saturating America since the 1990s


HUGE: Facebook purges 30,000 accounts prior to the French election

QUELLE? Facebook purge 30 000 comptes pour éviter une influence indésirable lors des élections françaises!

Western media awfully SILENT about UN report that Africans are enslaving Africans...

$50,000,000.00 in fines for "hate": Facebook, Twitter, YouTube to be affected by Germany's bizarre new law

Syria: guess what the alleged 'gas attack' coincides with?

BREAKING: rules for naming religious or migrant backgrounds in crime reports changed hours after London attacks

MSNBC host, 2008: "my job is to make this presidency work"

Swedish company "Telia": it's normal for your woman to leave her family to fuck black migrants

Media: SPD's Martin Schulz is a "man of the people"

In touch with the people? Trump responds to 12 year-old's tweet asking for photo

Refusing to take a day off, MTV busts up the joyous Christmas season and launches project attacking white men

#Merkelmustgo #Merkelmussweg

Wikileaks: how committedly was CNN in bed with the Democrats and Hillary Clinton?

What the hell happened to Time Magazine?

Hasia R. Dinar and the strangest Holocaust-related fact that nobody talks about