Agenda 2050: inside the plan for Germany to be 100% migrant by at least 2040

Have you heard of the publication Dialoge Zukunft Vision 2050 (English: Dialogue Future Vision 2050)? It is the brainchild of the Rat für Nachhaltige Entwicklung (English: Council for Sustainable Development, hereinafter "Council"), a group of fifteen advisers hand-picked by German Chancellor Angela Merkel, leader of the Christian Democratic Party (CDU). The publication outlines goals for the future which German society is supposed to be set up to work towards by 2050.

Let us take a quick look at page 178 of the publication:

We read:


nicht mehr benutzt seit etwas welchem Jahr

Grund der nicht weiter erfolgten Nutzung

Nicht mehr benötigt, da Menschen so "gemischt" sind, dass jeder einen Migrationshintergrund hat.

English translation:

"Migration background"

no longer used since the year 2040.

reason for the discontinued use

no longer necessary, because people are so "mixed" that everyone has a migration background.
See for yourself with this short video, in German with English subtitles, or view the primary source:

Recall that the publication dates back to 2011; how does the response to the 2015 migrant crisis fit into the objectives of the Agenda 2050 project, and what about the response to the 2020 Covid-19 Coronavirus (1, 2) or the Kalergi Plan? Should these events and the reaction to them be viewed in the context of the Agenda 2050 project, or is that too liberal of an interpretation?