Tragic death of Poland's President forcing news media to mention the Katyn Massacre

at 4:58:
"[Russia's commemoration of the 1940 massacre] was a huge event that was played up in all international media...that was hugely covered by the Polish media..."
From the segment, it is unclear whether Russia Today correspondent Katerina Azarova was trying to correct herself and say "Polish media" instead of "international media". But the truth is the "international media" has never had much to say about the Katyn Massacre; in fact, the non-Polish press probably would not have even mentioned the massacre this year, on its seventieth anniversary, had it not been for the fact that the Polish president and his entire Cabinet died on their way to commemorate the event.

You don't have to be a genius to understand why the Katyn Massacre is underplayed and ignored; you simply have to understand how an event like Katyn is antagonistic to the message of the lib-left and "no-borders" anti-nationalist globalists:

  • Katyn exposes the Soviets as a bunch of lying murderers, which puts their supporters in a bad place. But who was it who fought for the Soviets and literally handed the Soviet Union half of Europe on a plate? That was the "good guys" from the war, the "moral heroes" - Churchill and the democrats. Obviously, there are other things the victors would rather we talk about.

  • Hearing that the Soviets were a bunch of lying murderers, the public becomes apt to see those who tried to stop the Soviets in a positive light. But just who was it who fought great numerical odds until the bitter end to try to defeat the Soviet Union and stop the Soviets from steamrolling across Europe? The German SS and the SS volunteers from the Baltic states, Western Europe, Croatia, Rumania, Slovakia and elsewhere, including Russia. The nationalist "bad guys", according to the mainstream narrative. Obviously, any message that validates a Nazi wartime message about what the Nazis and their allies were fighting for is not something the powers that be want the public to see.

  • And it just so happens that the Soviets tried to pin the massacre at Katyn on Nazi Germany to wipe their bloody hands clean. Exposure to this fact is also bad news for the powers that be, because one might begin to wonder what else the Soviets lied about, particularly to denigrate Nazi Germany, their bitter rival and ideological nemesis. The powers that be do not want you to think that other charges against the Nazis, built in part on testimony by the Soviets, could be bogus - especially when certain testimony about a certain subject determines what is in the news, what is taught in schools, what historians say about Germany in the Second World War, which films play at the movies, what we read and how we are expected to feel about Germany's plight in the final years of the war (i.e. the terror bombing) as well as after the war (ethnic expulsions, ethnic cleansing). The Soviet testimony about the event in question also determines what historians can and cannot say, how at least two ethnic groups and religious groups define themselves, what museums display, who gets grants and aid, what is shown on film and television and what people think about ethnic-patriotism and ethno-states. I would say the testimony regarding this certain subject defines the West more than any other religion still does, and its effects are unavoidable. It is part of the ruling ideology and predominant culture. In some Western countries, it even determines the laws regarding what one can listen to, say, read, watch and wear. Yes, I'm talking about the Holocaust.

  • Aside from bringing potential lies to light, any discussion about Katyn puts the focus on something other than the Holocaust.

    1. The focus on the Holocaust and other "Nazi things" is an important weapon to portray crimes and hatred as a forte and consequence of nationalist thought; a constant diet of this suggestion, reminding people of the Holocaust and the Nazis (and attacking nationalist ideology as the thing responsible for both), has helped the powers that be keep ethno-conservatism/nationalist considerations out of politics. Anti-national propaganda has also convinced the public to oppose whatever the anti-nationalists and multiculturalists label "Nazi" - which is, in a nutshell, everything that is not anti-national or multicultural, and the ultimate bludgeon to destroy any opponent deemed as such.

    2. The focus on Nazi atrocities enables those who adhere to "anti-nationalist" schools of thought - anti-traditionalist liberals, "one world" internationalists, globo-corporate capitalists and a whole cast of hysteric, "anti-right" petitioners - to sweep the crimes associated with their own sides into the dustbin of forgotten history.

for more, see: Katyn: the Story Hollywood Won’t Tell

Other seldom-mentioned atrocities in recent history:
- Soviet terror in Ukraine: the Holodomor
- "Holocaust of bombs": Allied firebombing in Germany
- Rape and murder: Soviet terror in Germany

More on Soviet atrocities against civilians:
from "An `Unknown Holocaust’ and the Hijacking of History," Max Weber, IHR

"We hear a lot about the terrible crimes committed by Germans during World War II, but we hear little about crimes committed against Germans. Germany’s defeat in May 1945, and the end of World War II in Europe, did not bring an end to death and suffering for the vanquished German people. Instead the victorious Allies ushered in a horrible new era of destruction, looting, starvation, rape, “ethnic cleansing,” and mass killing - one that Time magazine once called "history’s most terrifying peace."

As Soviet troops advanced into central and eastern Europe during the war’s final months, they imposed a reign of terror, pillage and killing without compare in modern history. The horrors were summarized by George F. Kennan, the acclaimed historian who also served as US ambassador to the Soviet Union. He wrote:
"Some people take the view that, given the wartime misdeeds of the Nazis, some degree of vengeful violence against the defeated Germans was inevitable and perhaps justified. A common response to reports of Allied atrocities is to say that the Germans “deserved what they got.” But however valid that argument might be, the appalling cruelties inflicted on the totally prostrate German people went far beyond any understandable retribution."
Even though this unknown holocaust is ignored in our motion pictures and classrooms, and by our political leaders, the facts are well established. Historians are in basic agreement about the scale of the human catastrophe, which has been laid out in a number of detailed books. For example, American historian and jurist Alfred de Zayas, along with other scholars, has established that in the years 1945 to 1950, more than 14 million Germans were expelled or forced to flee from large regions of eastern and central Europe, of whom more than two million were killed or otherwise lost their lives." (more)