
"It's all going to hell!" More immigrant problems in Scandinavia

Fear of Islamization in Oslo, Norway

Hoodwinked by Hillary; the duping of a feminist

'Tis the season for political correctness; Australian firm considers modifying Santa's bellylaughs

On honor and baseball: what has become of the 'Old National Game'?

Facing legal pressure, university pulls the plug on controversial "diversity awareness" program

Dumbed-down and corrupted: today's commercially-obedient youth

Double standards in Israel's new immigration policy

"Will the horrors now incurred by Whites in southern Africa be repeated in Europe and America?"

The New Germany: know the world you are living in

In fifty years...

Political correctness, diversity and quotas: not what you thought they were

There's no "O" in "secured future existence"...but what about "takeover"?

Israel: the 51st State?