
Anti-Defamation League joins YouTube

Who will President-Elect Obama choose for the U.S. Treasury Secretary and Chief-of-Staff positions?

Jews to fill the ranks of highly-centalized, multi-ethnic loving, anti-gun, pro-abortion government - haven't we seen this before?

Clinton threatens to "obliterate" Iran in the event of an Israeli-Iranian conflict

Obama courts the Jewish lobby, but can the pro-Israel crowd trust him?

AIPAC and J Street: two heads to the same body?

BBC report about new, left-leaning Jewish political interest group unintentionally reveals the power of the American Jewish lobby

Fines and prison sentences for questioning Islam: exactly whose land do we live in?

Election 2008: three heads to a monster and a tiny ray of light

Family enraged over outcome to racially-charged murder case

There's no business like 'Shoah' business; author reveals that her best-selling account of the Holocaust is a hoax

Double standards in Israel's new immigration policy

Israel: the 51st State?

"American Hiroshima" and other Islamic Fundamentalist ambitions: fact or faction?

ADL: Anti-Semitic attitudes up

ADL: only in a context we approve

The secrets behind Israel's power

Starbucks and Israeli interests