Democratic primaries are a giant red pill

To nobody's surprise, the Bernie Sanders Revolution is over.

The sentiment of Bernie Nation rn

Sanders' supporters came out swinging on Super Tuesday 2.0, but soon found themselves deprived of life and oxygen. All that remains is the collapse. Perhaps on the way down, they will took note of their environment.

The environment I speak of is one that exposes America's democratic process for what it is: a dysfunctional circus where voters wait up to five hours (1, 2) to cast their ballot, entire districts of voting machines fail (1, 2, 3), voters are denied access (1, 2) based on erroneous lists and, finally, disparities between exit polls and results exist that far exceed the threshold used by the UN to assess election manipulation in third-world countries (1, 2, 3).

It is an environment where Sanders' white male supporters, despite their own inclination to fight against gendering and sexism, saw themselves transformed into a misandrist, racist stereotype through a media, exposing the media for what it is: an agitator, committed to defending the centrist status-quo against Sanders.

It is an environment where progressive-minded, ideological allies withheld their support, possibly because of that very stereotyping. More importantly, it is an atmosphere where those ideological allies followed their own leader, Elizabeth Warren, who had effectively split the progressive vote and refused to endorse Sanders upon dropping out the race, probably to stay in favor of whoever won, progressive or not.

See Liz. She Liz shill. Shill Liz, shill.
Another red pill

It is an atmosphere where Bernie's male supporters saw themselves accosted for daring to talk and flirt with women of the same political mind.

It is an atmosphere where the system backs a candidate who helped get us into war in Iraq and Afghanistan, and was the right-hand man as the debacles in Libya and Syria unfolded.

It is an environment where the system overlooks that this candidate cannot talk coherently and is just a few steps away from wearing depends and drooling.

It is an environment where Bernie's supporters saw their superstar roll over and let himself be trounced by these forces.

It is an atmosphere where the Bernie supporters saw the wrath of the boomers, who just want to preserve the quiet status quo in their sunset years, and whose vote still nearly overtakes the combined vote of all other generations.

It is an environment where the Bernie supporters may begin to hate the indifferent and lazy masses who do not show up to vote.

Finally, it is an atmosphere where one has to ask if it is really a coincidence that a candidate who made sure to be seen with a Black campaign staffer, and who once shared the same space as a Black man in the White House, won the overwhelming majority of votes from a Black demographic. It is a place where one has to ask if all the Black voters are really down for uniting arm in arm to fight for the sort of universal-appealing, anti-discriminatory, open-borders, share-the-wealth social paradise that the Bernie's supporters believe in.

Peel off the layers and you see the experience for what it is: a huge dose of red-pills, exposing the Romerican Empire's nothing-works society, gender and beta truths, race realism and Deep Swamp complicity, where the bitches and boomers destroyed you, and the bosses and brothas let you down.