Clown world: feedees and feeders

The following series of screenshots are from a piece Vice did for Snapchat. As you scroll your way down, try to count the signposts that scream out "spirit of the age", and reinforce the notion that the world is turned upside down and we live in a clown world.

Key features to note:

  • a standard where morbid obesity due to fast food and junk food consumption - despite contributing to brain and health problems - is beautiful.

  • a standard where a woman is thinking only about her own love of food and sees being fed not as a special shared moment, but as "something sexual for herself."

  • a standard where, by contrast, a man is to think not of himself, but of desiring to make a woman happy and is misled to believe he is sharing a special moment when relegated to feeding her.

  • a standard glorifying the failure to control even the most basest of instincts - eating - and sexualizing it.

  • a standard where beauty is universal - at least for women - so the advantages of being beautiful, once maybe only reserved for celebrities (such pampering and showers of attention and money) are obtained without even the smallest effort and, in fact, just by existing and opening one's mouth.

  • a standard where women using sex as a selling point have to give up the least and show their audience the least in return for pay and, instead of being ridiculed and called names, are instead given positive press under the media spotlight.

  • a standard endorsing the strong, independent woman who does what she wants and what her impulses tell her and society encouraging her to do so.

  • a standard where a man, by contrast, abandons all drives and instincts to engage in sexual intercourse or seek out a women who controls her impulsiveness and cares for others, and thus would make a fine wife or mother.

  • a standard where a man's role is to literally become the hands that supply a waiting mouth

  • a standard where a woman expects to be relieved of everything other than opening her mouth