Consent black pill: your life is contingent on her interests

Some years ago, while I was still in medical school, I decided to sit next to this girl I found attractive. I got her number, texted her and she proposed going to an event downtown sometime. One day, she offered to pick me up and drive me to some university event. I found out we were both into exercising and watching football. We also went for some coffee on campus once. But, eventually, we stopped talking or texting.

In the prelude to the silence, she declined an invitation to hang out because her off-and-on boyfriend from her hometown was around. Another week, she said she did not see or hear my text because football was on. In short, life happened. This is usually what happens with the women I meet casually. Usually, I see blushing and reciprocal, positive energy. Their excitement can be rationalized and broken down as follows: number one, I am who her "long-term relationship brain" (maybe we should call it the Disney childhood brain?) is okay with, who, to some degree, has a life outside of grabbing other girls' asses or lying drunk in the gutter. Number two, in our interaction, I am taking the reigns and have the confidence that their "drunk, club-girl brain" yearns for. That excitement carries through our next few interactions. But if those interactions do not allow you to in some way again be the man who their "drunk, club-girl brain" yearns for, she is not going to think about you in the night. She is not going to be checking her phone to see if you contacted her. In fact, she might see you tried to contact her, intend to respond, and then forget.

This is why the party scene is so different; if you are at a party, there is no inevitable break-up due to obligations of daily life, after which you have to hope for another opportunity to see her, in which you might not even have the chance to build on her initial excitement. It gradually gets harder and harder to appease to her "drunk, club-girl brain", to put her in a mindset where she will follow your lead or be looking for you to lead her. At a party, your chance is immediate, and the warmth you feel from appeasing her "drunk, club-girl brain" continues to be present as long as you do not move too fast or move too slow, depending on the circumstances. Usually, it rarely matters if you appease the "long-term relationship brain", but it can help create balance to make her more comfortable with you. But if there is alcohol involved, she is going to be giving less and less of a shit about that. In fact, it might make you boring. The key through it all is she is responding to you not as a person in orbit, but a person to whom she is only happenstance. The power is yours because you have not demonstrated that you would even bother to pursue her if, for example, there was somebody else to choose from at that exact time.

Thanks to the impulses fed through Western culture, modern women typically end up ignoring all but those with whom they immediately experience the stages of escalation with during the nightlife, particularly if sex is involved, and those they encounter during the casual day who took the lead and connected to their "drunk, club-girl brain", but only if the next opportunity to meet results in escalation. That is why, instead of continuing to see me, or calling to invite me, or even thinking about me, the girl in my example went to a party, ran into somebody else who connected with her "drunk, club-girl brain" and that was that. He was a man without accolades of education, who she had just met. But on that night, none of that mattered, which is why a child was conceived that night. The girl's friends have come to hate that man so much, they call him "Sperm donor". He is now in a fight over custody of the child. In the meantime, the girl's sister moved in to help raise the baby while she is in school, and several of her female student friends also help. It is a typically modern, ironic twist on Hillary Clinton's It Takes A Village.

But the real reason I am writing is I recently saw one of the mother's female student friends wearing a "This is what a feminist looks like" T-Shirt and blabbing loudly and disapprovingly about "Sperm donor". The whole ordeal made me realize that, after just a small twist of circumstances, if hostile feelings were present, I could have been in that guy's shoes and facing a custody battle.  Moreover, because I was a fellow student at the university, that same animosity directed at "Sperm donor" and instead hypothetically directed at me - especially if useful to secure full custody of the baby - could have included saying that the sex was not consensual, thereby destroying my career:

  • System where aspiring medical student is turned down for uneducated "Sperm donor":

  • System where random, sloppy drunk sex with undesired fathers is normal:

  • Liberal women hating the same men they choose to mate with:

  • System disincentivizing university pairings in favor of hookups with uneducated:

Funny how it began with something as innocent as somebody saying 'you know, I think it is wrong that our women are ridiculed in the culture for making bad coffee, maybe this is not right.' Because after that came liberation of dress. And then, sexual liberation. And then, responsibility liberation. And then, culpability liberation. Now, we have women categorizing men in a way that counters what is best for society. We have a generalized hatred of men based on the behaviors of the few and lives of men under the justice system subject to the whimsical emotional impulses of females. We are living in a post-feminist's selective whorehouse and sentencing chamber.

Small wonder the lib-left always looks at the right and sees the danger of a slippery slope narrative - the left rode the slippery slope to get to where we are now, and is obviously well experienced in the subject.