"Never again": protecting some, disarming others

"Never again." To anyone born in the last half century, this slogan should appear familiar.

Some might remember it from a class trip to a Holocaust museum, to Auschwitz, or another concentration camp, as part of mandatory effort to "fight hate":

Others will remember seeing it on signs and banners at protests concerning borders and immigration policy, where only one opinion was tolerable and the other was "Nazi" or "led to the Holocaust." One of the organizations associated with the aforementioned protests was aptly named "Never Again." Here are a few examples of such protests in action:

"Never again" - against ICE, for illegal aliens, John Kelly is like Adolf Eichmann

"Never again" - in a march for more migrants and refugees

"Never again" - in a march for more Muslims, Mexicans and immigrants,
comparing John Kelly to Adolf Eichmann

"Never again" - in a march for more Muslims and immigrants, against "fascist" Britain First

Never again" - smash the English Defense League (EDL)

"Never again" - no fear of Islam

"Never again" - refugees welcome

"Never again" refugees welcome

"Never again" - pro (international) socialism, no to Trump

"Never again" - the media says to take a cue from the protesters

"Never again" is also used to specifically remind people of the Holocaust narrative to raise support for Israel or foster Jewish identity:

In this case, there is no connection between the use of "never again" and a commitment to take on refugees, Muslims, Mexicans, immigrants or disavow nationalist groups. Note that "never again" is instead used to highlight that Jews, under Israel, are in a much different position today because they are armed. The pro-Israel lobby is well aware of this:

Incidentally, "never again" also focuses on keeping others disarmed:

Now, the emotional substance behind the "never again" slogan is being used by a Jewish girl to advocate restricting Americans and their Second Amendment right to bear arms:

For that same purpose, an organization called "Never Again MSD" has been formed. Aside from Naomi, who is an Ethiopian-born Jew, here are some of the other Americans in the spotlight who are advocating the anti-gun position:

Talia Rumsky:

Charlie Goodman:

Ryan Deitsch:

Cameron Kasky:

Scott Israel:

All Jewish.

And so, we have a Holocaustian slogan, utilized to celebrate that Jews are armed, now hijacked to advocate disarming the U.S. population. At the same time, while "never again" is used to define one nation and foster its national identity, elsewhere it is used to dilute nations and deprive them of their homogenic identity. We must live in a parallel universe here.