German post-war civilian slave casualties: human land mine testers, and worse

I recently came across an article from the Israeli news source Haaretz and found myself learning something which nobody ever talks about: the "Allied powers" actually used Germans in the peace-time era as slaves functioning as human landmine detectors. Britain and the U.S. had had nothing to say about this. Not surprisingly, until recently, the deaths have been ignored as well.

My research brought me to the book Orderly and Humane: The Expulsion of the Germans after the Second World War, and other sources, cited below. From them, I have uncovered the following: after the Second World War was over, up to 4,500 ethnic Germans from Yugoslavia, mostly women between 600,000 and 1 million German prisoners, and around 200,000 ethnic Germans in Poland perished in post-war labor camps. An additional 1.3 million Germans have gone "missing". Forced to clear landmines up to three months after the war ended, an additional 295 ethnic Germans died in Norway, and 2,000 were killed or maimed removing mines for the French.