The following is available in English, French and German for the benefit of everyone.
Brief summary:
French presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron's "En Marche Movement" is a continuation of the work of Foundation Saint-Simon and Terra Nova. The translation of 'Terra Nova', you ask?
Terra Nova was established to shadow a plan by Bill Clinton and Joseph Liebermann and was supported by the Rothschilds and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The goal of the project was consolidated control and globalization.
Macron did not have a presidential platform until eight months into his campaign; you don't need one when your campaign's ideas are not even yours to begin with. The following shows the history of the ideas and people Macron is connected to - a subject the press is doing its best to avoid.
Translation of From the Old, Make New: From the Saint-Simon Foundation to Emmanuel Macron" by Thierry Meyssan, Voltaire Network (original French), 16 April, 2017
Without knowing who Jaques Delors and Dominique Strauss-Kahn are, it is not possible to understand the sudden appearance of Emmanuel Macron on the political stage. Let us take a brief walk through time.
1982: Die Foundation Saint Simon
In 1982, university lecturers and directors of large French companies decided to establish a society with the aim of "meeting researchers of social sciences and the actors of economic and social life" and promoting "the dissemination of the knowledge generated by research in the humanities and social sciences in the public."[1]. For almost twenty years, this organ had urged France to adopt Washington D.C.'s views, and created what his critics called "unified thinking." After the strikes of 1995 and the failure to reform the pension system, the Foundation was dissolved.
Prior to its dissolution, the foundation was organizing 70 seminars each year, with about 40 participants each. It published 110 monthly reports and about 40 books. In addition, much more discreetly, it prepared a monthly banquet, which brought together university lecturers and company directors of the CAC40 and the most important managing directors in the media. During banquets, mutual standpoints were addressed, and the press executives decided on the subjects they were addressing and the way in which they wanted to address them. Without reservations, the press took on the "task of informing" and then "building the power of the believers".
Foundation Saint Simon's leaders were: Francois Furet, a historian, and Pierre Rosanvallon, a sociologist, the lobbyist Alain Minc, the industrialist Roger Fauroux, the banker Jean Peyrelevade, the editor Yves Sabouret and the intellectual Jean-Claude Casanova. Their funding was laid out by Henry Hermand, a gray eminence of the non-Communist left. All were known for their connections to a powerful US splinter group: the neo-conservatives, now known unaffectionately as the "neo-cons". Binding themselves to U.S. President Ronald Reagan, they bridged the concepts of the "right" and "left," vowing to overcome Stalinism and achieve their vision of a global democracy over all. They did not conceal their admiration for the philosopher Leo Strauss, theorist of global, enlightened dictatorship.
Through Foundation Saint-Simon, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and the United States Institute of Peace were established. Each was conceived as an instrument in the service of the "five eyes only", meaning in agreement with the intelligence services of Australia, Canada, USA, New Zealand and the British Kingdom.
Initially, Foundation Saint-Simon benefited from the subsidies of the John M. Olin Foundation and, thanks to Francois Furet, had connections to academia in Chicago. In time, Foundation Saint-Simon became part of the La Haye Club, a sub-structure of the Rockefeller Foundation, commissioned to finance some thirty European Atlantian clubs first with the funds of the CIA and then by means of the NED. University lecturers of rank and the heads of the CAC40 surrounding directors of Etudes, Esprit, Europe1, L'Expansion, L'Express, Le Figaro, Liberation, Le Matin de Paris, Le Monde, M6, Le Nouvel Observateur, RTL and the star journalists of Antenne2 and TF1 gather at monthly banquets financed by U.S. secret services.
In the 1990s, when the British sociologist Anthony Giddens launched the "Third Way" to make the socialist rhetoric fit in with the market economy, Foundation Saint-Simon celebrated enthusiastically with Bill Clinton and Tony Blair.
The entire agenda - from Foundation Saint-Simon to the Delors (both father and daughter) to the ANEI and FACE - had aimed to turn France into a pillar of the EU with expanded, international cross-country road links. The economy was to be built on a rising demand for labor. Women were to be encouraged to participate in the work force and immigration was to be increased. In a transitional period, working hours were to be reduced to limit unemployment.
After the failure of Francois Bayrou at the Social Democratic Congress (CDS), however, Delors dismissed the possibility of creating a new majority by uniting socialists and centrists. He withdrew his candidacy. The ANEI was dissolved and its assets were transferred to FACE. Finally, Aubry was defeated in her bid to become Prime Minister. For the time being, the agenda of Foundation Saint-Simon was temporarily derailed.
Nevertheless, the political program of Foundation Saint-Simon - and the Delors - was eventually implemented in part under the direction of Prime Minister Jospin; in 1998, France adopted the 35-hour week. Although employer lobbies had initially approved the move, they now saw the severity of the repercussions. Unemployment rose relentlessly and the emphasis on putting women in the labour force created new problems with regard to nurseries, working hours, school hours. The school performance of children declined, and the massive presence of immigrants destabilized the whole social system.
1995: Juppé-Notat Retirement reform:
The new regulation package of Prime Minister Alain Juppe (right-wing) on pension reform was supported by the magazine Esprit and the trade union CFDT (left-wing); the whole thing was coordinated by the Foundation. During this campaign, Alain Touraine appeared as the spokesman for Saint-Simon. However, in the face of the gigantic strikes of December 95, the new regulation project had to be withdrawn. The Foundation Saint-Simon dissolved itself and disappeared from French public consciousness.
2000: Institut Montaigne
In 2000, the insurance group AXA created a new think-tank, the Institut Montaigne. Soon afterwards, it published a joint work of university teachers and business leaders, The Courage of Reform (Le Courage de réformer). Subsequently, Philippe Maniere was hired as Director of the group. The think-tank received further support form the Rockefeller Foundation at the Bellagio Center, which houses "The Hague Club".
Institute Montaigne is responsible for the same economic, social and social reforms as Foundation Saint-Simon. In 2004, it edited the Charter of Diversity in the Company, which is immediately supported by FACE and has now been adopted by numerous groups. In 2012, it published a second joint book, Reforms in Times of Crisis (Réformer par temps de crise). Following the withdrawal of Claude Bebear from AXA's management, Henri de Castries, as President, took over.
2008 : Terra Nova (New Earth)
In 2008, Olivier Ferrand founded Terra Nova. Henry Hermand, known for his ties to Foundation Saint-Simon, was also involved in Terra Nova's establishment.
Terra Nova aimed to bring the 'modernity' of the U.S. into the economic, social and political life of France. Indeed: on paper, its model was the Progressive Policy Institute, founded by former U.S. President Bill Clinton and the pro-Israeli Senator Joseph I. Lieberman. But Terra Nova was indistinguishable from Foundation Saint-Simon in terms of its social focus and close ties with banks, primarily the Rothschilds.
In 2011, Terra Nova backed its founder's former colleague, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, to win the first primary election of the Socialist Party. This goal was achieved with the help of the NED, which sent its specialist, Tom McMahon, to Paris. Strauss-Kahn was seen as a moderate appeaser who could win the first round of the presidential elections and push the Terra Nova agenda. At the time, Strauss-Kahn was the Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
Unfortunately for Strauss-Kahn, he was arrested in the US shortly before the first round, and replaced by Martine Aubry - the former vice presidential candidate that Foundation Saint-Simon had once backed. She came through in the first round, but was then eliminated in the second by Francois Hollande.
Operation Emmanuel Macron
Through this long introduction, it is now possible to understand Operation Emmanuel Macron.
After his studies, Emmanuel Macron began working for the Rothschild bank. Macron also entered the Elysee as a personal assistant to Jean-Pierre Jouyet. Jouyet was Minister under Nicolas Sarkozy (right-wing) as well as Secretary General of the Elysee of Francois Holland (left-wing). Jouyet is an old friend of Roger Fauroux (president of Foundation Saint-Simon) and Jacques Delors (Foundation Saint-Simon's choice for president of France).
In 2006, Emmanuel Macron joined the PS (parti socialiste) and the Jean-Jaures Foundation, which is partly financed by the neo-conservative Trotskyists of the NED (which, to recall, was set up under Foundation Saint-Simon).
In 2007, Macron joined the Gracques, a group of former managers and senior officials, whose animator is Jean-Pierre Jouyet. The objective of the group was to take power over the PS and the centrists all at once and to ultimately achieve what Strauss-Kahn and Delors could not. In his favor, Macron has not been in the game long enough to be mired by any sort of scandal - a fact attributable to his short political history, as well as his young age. Macron's young age also is an important weapon in that it allows for his presentation as a sort of young and fresh wind, separated by default from an agenda he is actually extremely intertwined with.
In 2012, Emmanuel Macron became the young leader of the French-American Foundation [3] administered by Philippe Maniere (Director of Institut Montaigne) and Alain Minc (Treasurer of Foundation Saint Simon). At the recommendation of Minc, Macron had become a Research Fellow at the London School of Economics.
In May 2014 Emmanuel Macron was invited to the annual Bilderberg Conference. Part of the agenda included the exchange of intelligence information and discussions about the Middle East after the Arab Spring. The conference was created on the periphery of NATO, which provides security regardless where the Conference is held. Currently, Francais Henri de Castries, President of AXA and President of Institut Montaigne, is the head.
In 2016, Emmanuel Macron became the face of a party made possible by the efforts of Henry Hermand (Foundation Saint-Simon and Terra Nova), called En Marche! (Forward!) [4]. In November 2016, at the age of 92, Hermand died. Obviously, to preserve Macron's depiction as fresh wind, Hemand's role in En Marche is being completely ignored. It should be noted that the two also shared a close friendship - Hermand was the best man in Macron's wedding.
For the first eight months of the French presidential election, En Marche! lacked an official program. But this did not stop the now-familiar cast of characters - the press, IMF, Rothschilds, NED and personalities from Foundation Saint-Simon, Institut Montaigne, etc. - from rallying behind the party. For example, upon discovering that Macron was running, Aubry (the socialist who earned Foundation Saint-Simon's endorsement) renounced her candidacy. Francois Bayrou also began endorsing Macron.
Arguably, they already knew what was coming: the same globalization-focused social and economic program that had been pushed under Delors and Strauss-Kahn, as old becomes rebranded as new. There is no "revolution" here, especially not one of the people. But there lies the rub: with the support of the media, it is much easier to fool the people into supporting the aims of Foundation Saint-Simon and Terra Nova than it was two decades ago, and those aims begin with Macron taking the office of president of France.
Brief summary:
French presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron's "En Marche Movement" is a continuation of the work of Foundation Saint-Simon and Terra Nova. The translation of 'Terra Nova', you ask?
Terra Nova was established to shadow a plan by Bill Clinton and Joseph Liebermann and was supported by the Rothschilds and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The goal of the project was consolidated control and globalization.
Macron did not have a presidential platform until eight months into his campaign; you don't need one when your campaign's ideas are not even yours to begin with. The following shows the history of the ideas and people Macron is connected to - a subject the press is doing its best to avoid.
Translation of From the Old, Make New: From the Saint-Simon Foundation to Emmanuel Macron" by Thierry Meyssan, Voltaire Network (original French), 16 April, 2017
Without knowing who Jaques Delors and Dominique Strauss-Kahn are, it is not possible to understand the sudden appearance of Emmanuel Macron on the political stage. Let us take a brief walk through time.
1982: Die Foundation Saint Simon
In 1982, university lecturers and directors of large French companies decided to establish a society with the aim of "meeting researchers of social sciences and the actors of economic and social life" and promoting "the dissemination of the knowledge generated by research in the humanities and social sciences in the public."[1]. For almost twenty years, this organ had urged France to adopt Washington D.C.'s views, and created what his critics called "unified thinking." After the strikes of 1995 and the failure to reform the pension system, the Foundation was dissolved.
Prior to its dissolution, the foundation was organizing 70 seminars each year, with about 40 participants each. It published 110 monthly reports and about 40 books. In addition, much more discreetly, it prepared a monthly banquet, which brought together university lecturers and company directors of the CAC40 and the most important managing directors in the media. During banquets, mutual standpoints were addressed, and the press executives decided on the subjects they were addressing and the way in which they wanted to address them. Without reservations, the press took on the "task of informing" and then "building the power of the believers".
Foundation Saint Simon's leaders were: Francois Furet, a historian, and Pierre Rosanvallon, a sociologist, the lobbyist Alain Minc, the industrialist Roger Fauroux, the banker Jean Peyrelevade, the editor Yves Sabouret and the intellectual Jean-Claude Casanova. Their funding was laid out by Henry Hermand, a gray eminence of the non-Communist left. All were known for their connections to a powerful US splinter group: the neo-conservatives, now known unaffectionately as the "neo-cons". Binding themselves to U.S. President Ronald Reagan, they bridged the concepts of the "right" and "left," vowing to overcome Stalinism and achieve their vision of a global democracy over all. They did not conceal their admiration for the philosopher Leo Strauss, theorist of global, enlightened dictatorship.
Through Foundation Saint-Simon, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and the United States Institute of Peace were established. Each was conceived as an instrument in the service of the "five eyes only", meaning in agreement with the intelligence services of Australia, Canada, USA, New Zealand and the British Kingdom.
Initially, Foundation Saint-Simon benefited from the subsidies of the John M. Olin Foundation and, thanks to Francois Furet, had connections to academia in Chicago. In time, Foundation Saint-Simon became part of the La Haye Club, a sub-structure of the Rockefeller Foundation, commissioned to finance some thirty European Atlantian clubs first with the funds of the CIA and then by means of the NED. University lecturers of rank and the heads of the CAC40 surrounding directors of Etudes, Esprit, Europe1, L'Expansion, L'Express, Le Figaro, Liberation, Le Matin de Paris, Le Monde, M6, Le Nouvel Observateur, RTL and the star journalists of Antenne2 and TF1 gather at monthly banquets financed by U.S. secret services.
In the 1990s, when the British sociologist Anthony Giddens launched the "Third Way" to make the socialist rhetoric fit in with the market economy, Foundation Saint-Simon celebrated enthusiastically with Bill Clinton and Tony Blair.
In 1993 the members of Foundation Saint-Simon recommended selections for France's presidential election. They chose then-President of the European Commission, Jacques Delors. Delors, a socialist, had begun his political career under Jacques Chaban-Delmas.
Delors' daughter, Martine Aubry, was a socialist who had been appointed Labor Minister under Édith Cresson. Aubry also had responsibility for the public relations of the Pechiney Group, directed by French business magnet Jean Gandois.
In 1993, Foundation Saint-Simon supported Aubry's bid to become Prime Minister.
The press, whose directors were in fact members Foundation Saint-Simon, praised Jacques Delors and his daughter in their campaigns. Meanwhile, the treasurer of the Foundation, Alain Minc, created two very different sub-organizations:
- the National Association of Entrepreneurs for Admission (ANEI), which would involve large companies in the Delors election campaign.
- Association of Foundation Fri ends active against exclusion ('Association des amis de la Fondation Agir Contre l'Exclusion (FACE)') to finance the rise of Aubry as Prime Minister.
The entire agenda - from Foundation Saint-Simon to the Delors (both father and daughter) to the ANEI and FACE - had aimed to turn France into a pillar of the EU with expanded, international cross-country road links. The economy was to be built on a rising demand for labor. Women were to be encouraged to participate in the work force and immigration was to be increased. In a transitional period, working hours were to be reduced to limit unemployment.
After the failure of Francois Bayrou at the Social Democratic Congress (CDS), however, Delors dismissed the possibility of creating a new majority by uniting socialists and centrists. He withdrew his candidacy. The ANEI was dissolved and its assets were transferred to FACE. Finally, Aubry was defeated in her bid to become Prime Minister. For the time being, the agenda of Foundation Saint-Simon was temporarily derailed.
Nevertheless, the political program of Foundation Saint-Simon - and the Delors - was eventually implemented in part under the direction of Prime Minister Jospin; in 1998, France adopted the 35-hour week. Although employer lobbies had initially approved the move, they now saw the severity of the repercussions. Unemployment rose relentlessly and the emphasis on putting women in the labour force created new problems with regard to nurseries, working hours, school hours. The school performance of children declined, and the massive presence of immigrants destabilized the whole social system.
1995: Juppé-Notat Retirement reform:
The new regulation package of Prime Minister Alain Juppe (right-wing) on pension reform was supported by the magazine Esprit and the trade union CFDT (left-wing); the whole thing was coordinated by the Foundation. During this campaign, Alain Touraine appeared as the spokesman for Saint-Simon. However, in the face of the gigantic strikes of December 95, the new regulation project had to be withdrawn. The Foundation Saint-Simon dissolved itself and disappeared from French public consciousness.
2000: Institut Montaigne
In 2000, the insurance group AXA created a new think-tank, the Institut Montaigne. Soon afterwards, it published a joint work of university teachers and business leaders, The Courage of Reform (Le Courage de réformer). Subsequently, Philippe Maniere was hired as Director of the group. The think-tank received further support form the Rockefeller Foundation at the Bellagio Center, which houses "The Hague Club".
Institute Montaigne is responsible for the same economic, social and social reforms as Foundation Saint-Simon. In 2004, it edited the Charter of Diversity in the Company, which is immediately supported by FACE and has now been adopted by numerous groups. In 2012, it published a second joint book, Reforms in Times of Crisis (Réformer par temps de crise). Following the withdrawal of Claude Bebear from AXA's management, Henri de Castries, as President, took over.
2008 : Terra Nova (New Earth)
In 2008, Olivier Ferrand founded Terra Nova. Henry Hermand, known for his ties to Foundation Saint-Simon, was also involved in Terra Nova's establishment.
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Anne Sinclair with her husband, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the candidate that Terra Nova backed to become president of France. |
Terra Nova aimed to bring the 'modernity' of the U.S. into the economic, social and political life of France. Indeed: on paper, its model was the Progressive Policy Institute, founded by former U.S. President Bill Clinton and the pro-Israeli Senator Joseph I. Lieberman. But Terra Nova was indistinguishable from Foundation Saint-Simon in terms of its social focus and close ties with banks, primarily the Rothschilds.
In 2011, Terra Nova backed its founder's former colleague, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, to win the first primary election of the Socialist Party. This goal was achieved with the help of the NED, which sent its specialist, Tom McMahon, to Paris. Strauss-Kahn was seen as a moderate appeaser who could win the first round of the presidential elections and push the Terra Nova agenda. At the time, Strauss-Kahn was the Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
Unfortunately for Strauss-Kahn, he was arrested in the US shortly before the first round, and replaced by Martine Aubry - the former vice presidential candidate that Foundation Saint-Simon had once backed. She came through in the first round, but was then eliminated in the second by Francois Hollande.
Operation Emmanuel Macron
Through this long introduction, it is now possible to understand Operation Emmanuel Macron.
After his studies, Emmanuel Macron began working for the Rothschild bank. Macron also entered the Elysee as a personal assistant to Jean-Pierre Jouyet. Jouyet was Minister under Nicolas Sarkozy (right-wing) as well as Secretary General of the Elysee of Francois Holland (left-wing). Jouyet is an old friend of Roger Fauroux (president of Foundation Saint-Simon) and Jacques Delors (Foundation Saint-Simon's choice for president of France).
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Emmanuel Macron: the face chosen to do what Foundation Saint-Simon and Terra Nova could not. |
In 2006, Emmanuel Macron joined the PS (parti socialiste) and the Jean-Jaures Foundation, which is partly financed by the neo-conservative Trotskyists of the NED (which, to recall, was set up under Foundation Saint-Simon).
In 2007, Macron joined the Gracques, a group of former managers and senior officials, whose animator is Jean-Pierre Jouyet. The objective of the group was to take power over the PS and the centrists all at once and to ultimately achieve what Strauss-Kahn and Delors could not. In his favor, Macron has not been in the game long enough to be mired by any sort of scandal - a fact attributable to his short political history, as well as his young age. Macron's young age also is an important weapon in that it allows for his presentation as a sort of young and fresh wind, separated by default from an agenda he is actually extremely intertwined with.
In 2012, Emmanuel Macron became the young leader of the French-American Foundation [3] administered by Philippe Maniere (Director of Institut Montaigne) and Alain Minc (Treasurer of Foundation Saint Simon). At the recommendation of Minc, Macron had become a Research Fellow at the London School of Economics.
In May 2014 Emmanuel Macron was invited to the annual Bilderberg Conference. Part of the agenda included the exchange of intelligence information and discussions about the Middle East after the Arab Spring. The conference was created on the periphery of NATO, which provides security regardless where the Conference is held. Currently, Francais Henri de Castries, President of AXA and President of Institut Montaigne, is the head.
In 2016, Emmanuel Macron became the face of a party made possible by the efforts of Henry Hermand (Foundation Saint-Simon and Terra Nova), called En Marche! (Forward!) [4]. In November 2016, at the age of 92, Hermand died. Obviously, to preserve Macron's depiction as fresh wind, Hemand's role in En Marche is being completely ignored. It should be noted that the two also shared a close friendship - Hermand was the best man in Macron's wedding.
For the first eight months of the French presidential election, En Marche! lacked an official program. But this did not stop the now-familiar cast of characters - the press, IMF, Rothschilds, NED and personalities from Foundation Saint-Simon, Institut Montaigne, etc. - from rallying behind the party. For example, upon discovering that Macron was running, Aubry (the socialist who earned Foundation Saint-Simon's endorsement) renounced her candidacy. Francois Bayrou also began endorsing Macron.
Arguably, they already knew what was coming: the same globalization-focused social and economic program that had been pushed under Delors and Strauss-Kahn, as old becomes rebranded as new. There is no "revolution" here, especially not one of the people. But there lies the rub: with the support of the media, it is much easier to fool the people into supporting the aims of Foundation Saint-Simon and Terra Nova than it was two decades ago, and those aims begin with Macron taking the office of president of France.