Under the Spirit of the Age, the nation has been replaced by a commercialism-fueled, crayon-color internationalist state...
...where heritage is mocked to protest ethnic interests and nation-state politics:
With the Spirit of the Age, 'anything goes'...
...except challenging the Spirit of the Age.
The Spirit of the Age says the international state is "good" and preserving the nation is "wrong", so people will feel godlike blocking demonstrations for the preservation of the nation:
The Spirit of the Age establishes what is "cool", like scribbling on walls everywhere:
...and produces men like this:
who emulate this:
....because the Spirit of the Age made it "cool":
Me: "Oh, cool, you're German. So I can experience a little German culture with you and your family?"
diversity_girl: "Sorry, my identity is diversity."
diversity_girl: "Sorry, my identity is diversity."
Under the Spirit of the Age, traditional culture has become a de-cultured expression of sexuality on MTV.
And women are encouraged to rebel against the traditional culture:
...or act however they want. So, they do nasty things for attention:
And take a lot of selfies...
And smoke a lot:
And have a lot of sex with random guys:
It's called "liberation"
And it produces an endless number of self-absorbed, free-spirit brat-sluts who turn out like this:
How about using that fertile, attractive body to find the best and most suitable mate and long-term, true-love partner?
"No thanks, I'm a rebel..."
Sure you are. Just like every other woman these days.
But let's be real: there is another reason why this is not a rebellion:
In part, they are choosing what they were told to choose:
And just acting with complete "freedom" while doing that.
Which is why we have concepts like "pimpmommy", another gem of the Spirit of the Age...
Which is why we have concepts like "pimpmommy", another gem of the Spirit of the Age...
Can't find a girl who isn't like this?
"Bro just buy sex where it is not illegal. Pump and dump, bro."
...or buy some weird plastic device, like this:
"Bro just buy sex where it is not illegal. Pump and dump, bro."
...or buy some weird plastic device, like this:
According to the Spirit of the Age, making love isn't about love, anyway.
It's about swag...so remember to emulate this.
It's about swag...so remember to emulate this.
But for what reason? To what end? What does this lead to for humanity, for community, for culture, for the future - for anything? Once you realize it is a dead end, you have woken up completely. Our entire culture is a dead end. It does not inspire, it does not lead to intelligent breeding or select good fathers, it rewards those who have no direction and it spreads disease - in fact, it is a disease. It is time to take our nation, culture - and women - back.