In the past, we have written about a German clothing company called Thor Steinar, which incorporates Germanic/Nordish culture motifs into stylish wear. The brand is popular among European youth who find Germanic/Nordish identity inspiring. Concerning the company, I just received the following notice:
For those who cannot read German, here is your translation: according to the notice, Thor Steinar has been sold to Faysal Al Zarooni and Mohammed M. Aweidah and is now headquartered in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates.
Apparently, Zarooni uses the same German address as the old owner, so maybe "Zarooni" is just an alias to protect Meusel from left-wing anti-German terrorism. Alternatively, maybe Meusel did in fact sell the business to Zarooni, and Thor Steinar is now an Arabic company. If so, then the recent German court decision to overturn a ban on the company's old logo, a motif once interpreted to be too close to SS insignia, has a completely new angle to it; perhaps when Thor Steinar came forward to appeal the ban in court, the person who presented himself to the judge was Faysal Al Zarooni, which triggered a good laugh from the judiciary and mutual laughter at the people buying Al Zarooni's clothes, because these customers think they are supporting something that is not just another corporate gig and is part of the pro-German parallel society. Joke is on the public if that image is all just a part of the gimmick:
AW: Marke "Thor Steinar" nicht mehr in Deutscher Hand !!!
Hallo, dies sollte Euch alle interessieren,
die Mode Marke der Rechten ist nun offiziell ein ausländisches Unternehmen. Die Angaben im Impressum auf sind nicht mehr korrekt, sondern der offizielle Handelsregisterauszug, bestätigt Thor Steinar ist verkauft worden nach Dubai:
Impressum TS richtig: Faysal Al Zarooni.
Inhaber/Teilhaber, anstatt Uwe Meusel jetzt: Mohammed M. Aweidah.
Was Ihr daraus macht, ist Eure Sache, nur eins sollte allen klar sein, wie schon bei anderen Labels zeigt sich auch hier wieder einmal, die Taschen mit der RECHTEN Szene voll machen und dann ganz schnell abziehen. Bei Interesse senden wir gerne die offiziellen Auszüge aus dem Handelsregister Potsdam!
For those who cannot read German, here is your translation: according to the notice, Thor Steinar has been sold to Faysal Al Zarooni and Mohammed M. Aweidah and is now headquartered in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates.
Apparently, Zarooni uses the same German address as the old owner, so maybe "Zarooni" is just an alias to protect Meusel from left-wing anti-German terrorism. Alternatively, maybe Meusel did in fact sell the business to Zarooni, and Thor Steinar is now an Arabic company. If so, then the recent German court decision to overturn a ban on the company's old logo, a motif once interpreted to be too close to SS insignia, has a completely new angle to it; perhaps when Thor Steinar came forward to appeal the ban in court, the person who presented himself to the judge was Faysal Al Zarooni, which triggered a good laugh from the judiciary and mutual laughter at the people buying Al Zarooni's clothes, because these customers think they are supporting something that is not just another corporate gig and is part of the pro-German parallel society. Joke is on the public if that image is all just a part of the gimmick: