When the home team is booed...

French officials have been issuing fines to immigrants who disrespect the French national anthem, la Marseillaise. The policy was designed to reduce tensions over immigration and make integration "work".

However, the problem remains unresolved:

    source: TFI

In response to the latest incident above, France's President, Nicolas Sarkozy, has warned that the next step is to cancel football games when French immigrant youth disrespect the national anthem. This is a critical development for several reasons:

  • encouraging French immigrant youth to hide their true feelings will only hide France's integration problems, it will not solve them.
  • if the immigrant population is discouraged from revealing its feelings at these mass events, then millions are spared from seeing what French immigrant youth really think of France and may see no reason to oppose Sarkozy when he says he wants even more immigrants. Just as importantly, the pro-French resistance will be denied a potential talking point that most French, having seen the disaster, would relate to and thus the opposition to the foreignization of France remains potentially much smaller than it would have been otherwise for at least another year.

See how that works? But here is something else to think about: if the French football team and the woman singing the national anthem in the video are just as foreign-looking as the Tunisian team...who is booing who?