why does the above happen?
1) White-guilt
(your dentist's sister's neighbor's great-great-grandfather probably was a slaver, you are practically a slaver yourself)
2) Race-is-not-real/race-does-not-matter propaganda
(You've learned that "the only race is the human race"...and only date one race)
3) "Well equipt" myths
4) The media's glamorization of everything antithetical to White culture
(OMG White ppl are soooo boring!)
5) It is promoted as the latest in "cool"
(Monkey see, monkey do)
6) The media hides the details about Black crime from the public
7) Naive enthusiasm and expectations for this era of so-called "post-racialism"
(Diversity is our strength! Let's breed a better race!)
8) Ethnic Europeans aren't taught to care about their kin or be interested in their culture's survival
(When did you last see something, anything, to reinforce your ethnic identity or make you proud of it?)