Dear YouTube and Twitter: please ban everyone

In the past, we have covered the draconian online censorship regime of YouTube, Twitter, et al. Many are hoping for the government to stand up to big tech and declare social media a public utility. But, as long as that remains a fantasy, we do have another option: to get YouTube and Twitter to ban as many people as possible for everything that could possibly be remotely construed as a violation of the YouTube and Twitter et al.'s regime of social justice provisions.

Perhaps this sound like a petty act or waste of time, but I assure you it is not.

Just think about what would happen if an overwhelming number of Americans would have nothing to turn to other than Gab, Bitchute or some other alternative because they have been banned from YouTube and Twitter. This would certainly help alternative platforms (i.e. Gab and Bitchute) grow, and put them in a better position to grow to actually compete with YouTube and Twitter, rather than pick up the pruned trimmings that YouTube and Twitter let fall. We would also see a scenario where the questionably-censored and questionably-banned are dumped together with those who have experienced the same, which has a community-building effect to the core.

We also have to realize that the banned and otherwise censored, in turning to alternative platforms (Gab and Bitchute), are by default entering an atmosphere of woke content that they would not have stumbled across on YouTube or Twitter. And, as if that were not enough, each time YouTube and Twitter broaden the span of their censorship, the more diverse the alternatives (i.e. Gab and Bitchute) become. Another point is that, as far as red-pilling goes, nothing works faster than being banned and denied a voice in a way that seems undemocratic, intolerant and unjust - all those things that carry hugely emotional and, for that reason, have been weaponized in political discourse.

Of course, we should take care to never report those who leave improper commentary and have labored to produce useful, original video content on their channels, because when YouTube or Twitter suspend an account, the user loses everything - all that hard work they put into videos disappears into nothing. Fortunately, one can very easily check the channel of anyone who leaves a comment to see if there is useful material.

While it would take a tremendous amount of time and dedication to go on a banning spree, it could also prove to be quite fun. It is not vastly different from the joy people derive from trolling:

Except here, it is with an advantageous purpose in mind, and involves simply following the program.

I have seen leftists revel in the fruits of their laborious social justice crusade to cleanse Twitter, so why not use that strategy to our own advantage to turn the tables? So grab a beer, get busy, and join in the fun!

Below are a few excerpts from Twitter's guidelines for acceptable conduct (updated: February 23, 2020). Should you wish to report anyone, because of the possibility that repeat reports are tracked, be mindful of your IP address (use a VPN and/or Tor). Note that both Twitter members and non-members can report content (For your convenience, the most eyebrow-raising parts are emphasized in bold. We provided a small analysis from each sample in highlighted text under each sample):
Example 1: Hateful conduct: You may not promote violence against or directly attack or threaten other people on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, caste, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability, or serious disease. Hateful imagery and display names: [...]
Unexpected outcome: on the one hand, look for those who attack or threaten those of a national origin in view of the inability of their people to efficiently deal with the Coronavirus. Search #Coronavirus #chinese #[whatever nationality failed in handling the virus] and other entries to find content that, under the above guidelines, can be flagged and suspended. On the other hand, nearly every Coronavirus post about keeping out people with that disease and wondering why a government is not doing that is in violation of Twitter's rules. Be on the lookout for angry, anxious exclamations..

Example 2: Hateful conduct: You may not promote violence against or directly attack or threaten other people on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, caste, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability, or serious disease. Hateful imagery and display names: [...]
Unexpected outcome: see an edgy atheist who feels like cutting down a Christian or wants to go on about how much he or she hates Christianity? Hints: search #christianity #pope #pedophilepriest #bible_basher #biblebasher #south #christian #manson #fuck_god #666 #hail_satan #satan #atheist or whatever else you think might help you come across guideline offenders (most of them are). So long, see you on Gab..

Example 3: You may not use hateful images or symbols in your profile image or profile header. You also may not use your username, display name, or profile bio to engage in abusive behavior, such as targeted harassment or expressing hate towards a person, group, or protected category.
Unexpected outcome: every anti-Democrat voter or anti-Communist remark in a Twitter name or written description in the biography is guilty of an expression of hate and fair game to get booted. Show them all the door...

Example 4: Adult content is any consensually produced and distributed media that is pornographic or intended to cause sexual arousal. Some examples include, but are not limited to, depictions of:
  • full or partial nudity, including close-ups of genitals, buttocks, or breasts (excluding content related to breastfeeding);
Unexpected outcome: nearly every woman who tries to use her body to gain followers can get banned. Be on the lookout for attention-seeking women everywhere...

Example 5: You may not use our service for any unlawful purpose or in furtherance of illegal activities. This includes selling, buying, or facilitating transactions in illegal goods or services, as well as certain types of regulated goods or services. Goods or services covered under this policy include, but are not limited to:
  • drugs and controlled substances
Unexpected outcome: marijuana might be legal in your home state, but under federal law it is still a controlled substance. Imagine finding out when you are stoned that your #420 #weed #stoner #baked #legalize_it #legalize #stoned #bong #marijuana #trippy #trippin post got you booted from Twitter. From toking on Twitter to an awakening on Gab...

Example 6: [...] media that depicts violence, whether real or simulated, in association with sexual acts. Some examples include, but are not limited to, depictions of:
  • sexualized violence - inflicting physical harm on an individual within an intimate setting, where it is not immediately obvious if those involved have consented to take part.
Unexpected outcome: just type in #50 Shades of Grey on Twitter or search the latest titles and start flagging, it's all forbidden..

Example 7: Hateful imagery. We consider hateful imagery to be logos, symbols, or images whose purpose is to promote hostility and malice against others based on their race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or ethnicity/national origin. Some examples of hateful imagery include, but are not limited to: symbols historically associated with hate groups, e.g., the Nazi swastika;
Unexpected outcome: you are going to see this everywhere, especially used ironically to polarize and denigrate any right-wing anything. I am so tired of reductio ad Hitlerum as a legitimate political weapon, so just remember that it is all forbidden regardless of the context and start banning away A good way to start is to look for #hitler.

Example 8: images depicting others as less than human
Unexpected outcome: all demonizing political-exaggeration imagery is out of bounds. You might even be able to get some #Furries banned with this one.

Example 9: We prohibit content that wishes, hopes, promotes, or expresses a desire for death, serious and lasting bodily harm, or serious disease against an entire protected category and/or individuals who may be members of that category. This includes, but is not limited to:
  • Hoping that someone dies as a result of a serious disease, e.g., “I hope you get cancer and die.”

  • Wishing for someone to fall victim to a serious accident, e.g., “I wish that you would get run over by a car next time you run your mouth.”

  • Saying that a group of individuals deserve serious physical injury, e.g., “If this group of protesters don’t shut up, they deserve to be shot.”
Unexpected outcome: nothing here is really unexpected, but it is such a common thing to see on Twitter, you could really have a field day with this one.
Example 10: Inciting fear about a protected category

We prohibit targeting individuals with content intended to incite fear or spread fearful stereotypes about a protected category, including asserting that members of a protected category are more likely to take part in dangerous or illegal activities,
Unexpected outcome: not really unexpected either, but you can certainly hit anyone who cites any chart or piece of information that leaves open the possibility of interpretation that a stereotype is true. A good start: #fact

Example 11: Non-consensual slurs, epithets, racist and sexist tropes, or other content that degrades someone

We prohibit targeting individuals with repeated slurs, tropes or other content that intends to dehumanize, degrade or reinforce negative or harmful stereotypes about a protected category. This includes targeted misgendering or deadnaming of transgender individuals.
Unexpected outcome: Bye-bye Mannosphere. Simply search for #MGTOW #divorce #slut #bitch #fuck_feminism #lying bitch #male rights #incel #men's rights or anything like that and flag away if you see anything that suggests a real-life woman (a protected category) did a bad thing - or women (another protected category) might do a bad thing - conforming to a stereotype, like unfairly me-too people, divorce for money, marry for money, or cheat and be unfaithful. This is a guaranteed way to throw just about every man who has been screwed over by women over to Gab.

Example 12: We prohibit targeting individuals with repeated slurs, tropes or other content that intends to dehumanize, degrade or reinforce negative or harmful stereotypes about a protected category. This includes targeted misgendering or deadnaming of transgender individuals.
Unexpected outcome: now every single woman who angrily confronts a biological man who considers herself to be a woman is subject to Twitter's termination wrath. Send them packing.

Example 13: You may not publish or post other people's private information without their express authorization and permission. We also prohibit threatening to expose private information or incentivizing others to do so.
Unexpected outcome: this is helpful to know even if it is not in connection with banning to send people searching for a new online home. Antifa has made a hobby of destroying lives of individuals it disagrees with by publishing names and addresses so that said individuals can be violently attacked or have harm brought onto them.

How can I report violations?

You can report this content for review in-app as follows:
  1. Select Report Tweet from the icon.

You can report this content for review via desktop as follows:
  1. Select Report Tweet from the icon.

Below are a few excerpts from YouTube's guidelines for acceptable conduct (updated: February 23, 2020). Should you wish to report any content, be aware that reports generated from the same IP address might not be taken seriously (solution: mind your IP address and use Tor/a VPN). We have already compiled a list of music tracks and music videos that could be searched for and flagged due to YouTube policy, but this section will focus on identifying comments or videos that are grounds for account termination and reporting them outside of this scope (For your convenience, the most eyebrow-raising parts are emphasized in bold. We provided a small analysis from each sample in highlighted text under select samples):

  • Provocative dancing that is focused on the dancer’s genitals, buttocks, or breasts

  • Content using otherwise everyday objects or scenarios, such as injections or eating, for the purpose of sexual gratification
  • Unintended outcome: you can get every video featuring an attention-seeking female playing with a banana, not to mention every Feeder of Feedee (yes, this is a real thing) lifestyle video, banned. Here are a few queries to get you started: "Sexy with a banana", "Feeder", "Feedee". Happy banning!

  • Clips extracted from non-pornographic films, shows, or other content in order to isolate sexual content
  • Unintended outcome: every "damnz that girl was hot yo" piece of Hollywood garbage, used to pedestalize women or sell sex, is now fair grounds to be banned, which is good, because it is just distraction and will get those who seek it out pissed off at "that damn bloody political correctness" and searching elsewhere, like on Bitchute, for the content sought. It took all of fifteen seconds to find something. Just hit up YouTube with a search like "sex scene" or "sexy scene". Now that Sharia Law is the new norm for YouTube, it is time we let the hammer come down and hit the unsuspecting public that thinks we are still partying like it is 1999. Let us force them all to search Bitchute for whatever it is they want.

  • Hate speech is not allowed on YouTube. We remove content promoting violence or hatred against individuals or groups based on any of the following attributes:

    Gender Identity and Expression
    Immigration Status
    Sexual Orientation
    Victims of a major violent event and their kin
    Veteran Status
  • Unintended outcome: you can really have a banning field day with almost any of these. But, as we have noted before, the inclusion of "veteran status" on this list is a really dramatic development; what it means is it is practically illegal now to say or post anything that could make somebody somewhere dislike veterans. Note how no criticism of LGBT is allowed. The mishandling of the Cornonavirus is another topic that is going to generate comments that tend to stereotype and generate hate based on nationality or race. And you might as well go around flagging everything MGTOW or critical of women in any capacity, too.

  • Dehumanizing individuals or groups by calling them subhuman, comparing them to animals, insects, pests, disease, or any other non-human entity.

  • Praise or glorify violence against individuals or groups based on the attributes noted above.
  • Unintended outcome: while this is not geared towards pushing people from YouTube per se, it is useful to bear in mind that the next time the mainstream media starts Russia-baiting, white-baiting or calling for violence against right-wingers, it is all prohibited and a ban campaign is possible to organize. It may be useful to document your efforts too, so when/if there is no response, we can put YouTube on the spot for its bias.

  • Use of racial, religious or other slurs and stereotypes that incite or promote hatred based on any of the attributes noted above. This can take the form of speech, text, or imagery promoting these stereotypes or treating them as factual.
  • Unintended outcome: so, basically, any observation of behavior that corresponds with a group's stereotypical behavior cannot be shown or reported or you will be banned. This is another one that could have major consequences for the discussions in the comment section for anyone who wants to go on a banning spree. A few search queries to get started finding comments and videos that could be banned: crime, crime statisticswomen, MGTOW, divorce, feminism

  • Claim that individuals or groups are physically or mentally inferior, deficient, or diseased based on any of the attributes noted above. This includes statements that one group is less than another, calling them less intelligent, less capable, or damaged.

  • Conspiracy theories saying individuals or groups are evil, corrupt, or malicious based on any of the attributes noted above.

  • Call for the subjugation or domination over individuals or groups based on any of the attributes noted above.

  • Deny that a well-documented, violent event took place.
  • Unintended consequence: obviously, this was set up to get every Holocaust skeptic banned. That said, I would advise to not try to ban those who question the Holocaust, because these individuals have long-since staked their claim on alternative social media and there is nothing to gain from it; on the other hand, every time obvious false flag is obvious, we have something to gain from getting people banned on that basis, because it is a very impressionable experience to see mainstream media working in conjunction with mainstream government.

  • Attacks on a person’s emotional, romantic and/or sexual attraction to another person.

  • Content that features prolonged name calling or malicious insults (such as racial slurs) based on their intrinsic attributes. These attributes include their protected group status, physical attributes, or their status as a survivor of sexual assault, domestic abuse, child abuse etc.

  • Content uploaded with the intent to shame, deceive or insult a minor. A minor is defined as a person under the legal age of majority. This usually means anyone younger than 18 years old, but the age of a minor might vary by country.
  • Unintended consequence: although it could actually be intentional after all, note that this policy basically means no criticism of Greta Thunberg or her underage followers is allowed!

  • Don’t post content on YouTube if it fits any of the descriptions noted below.

    Footage, audio, or imagery involving road accidents, natural disasters, war aftermath, terrorist attack aftermath, street fights, physical attacks, sexual assaults, immolation, torture, corpses, protests or riots, robberies, medical procedures, or other such scenarios with the intent to shock or disgust viewers