In Germany...
...the broadcasters and networks of major media
...all belong to the same, government-funded ARD family.
And what are the effects of this government-funded media monopoly?
Well just take a lake a look at this screenshot of the website for the ARD-owned news network, Deutsche Welle:
Well just take a lake a look at this screenshot of the website for the ARD-owned news network, Deutsche Welle:
Let us have a closer look at the main contents of that page, reproduced below, as if one were scrolling downward (the page is longer than what is displayed above):
The text focuses on the state of affairs in certain chosen locations (West Germany, Hamburg), gloatingly implying that what is the norm there is what Germany is about as a whole, which is to say, through tone and sample, whoever authored this wants all of Germany to be just like this.
Some news agencies are not part of the ARD network, such as the Hannoversche Allgemeine (HAZ).
But the HAZ offers a very interesting story itself, because it is controlled by the shareholder company Deutsche Druck- und Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, which works closely with the Social Democratic Party (SPD).[1]
Some news agencies are not part of the ARD network, such as the Hannoversche Allgemeine (HAZ).
But the HAZ offers a very interesting story itself, because it is controlled by the shareholder company Deutsche Druck- und Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, which works closely with the Social Democratic Party (SPD).[1]
Perhaps that explains why the HAZ deletes responses to its articles if the responses criticize the views of the SPD:
The SPD wants a powerful, centralized government, more government surveillance, limits to free speech and a controlled internet. The party supports an expanding and increasingly more-powerful EU; it wants Turkey to join the EU and wants more migrants in Germany. In short, the SPD has the same goals as the rest of "the Left" (Links) - the only difference is the party is not overly aggressive about portraying these issues, and instead relies on winning votes by talking about wages, poverty and other things. But the two are practically identical.
HAZ is NOT an independent news source, and neither are the following media sources and publishing houses, which are under the Deutsche Druck-und Verlagsgesellschaft mbH's umbrella:
- „Westfälische Verlagsgesellschaft mbH“ plus:
- 13,1% ownership of „Zeitungsverlag Westfalen GmbH & Co. KG“, Dortmund (Westfälische Rundschau)
- „Oliva Druck- und Verlagsgesellschaft mbH“ plus:
- 49,5% ownership of „Verlagsgesellschaft Cuxhaven mbH & Co. Cuxhavener Nachrichten KG“ (Cuxhavener Nachrichten)
- „Berliner vorwärts Verlagsgesellschaft mbH“" (vorwärts, Demokratische Gemeinde)
- „Presse-Druck GmbH“ plus:
- 57,5%: „Zeitungsverlag Neue Westfälische GmbH & Co. KG“, Bielefeld (Neue Westfälische)
The following are partially owned by Deutsche Druck-und Verlagsgesellschaft mbH:
- 97,85%: „Tivola Verlag GmbH“" (Edutainment, Lernsoftware und Kinderbücher)
- 70%: „Braunschweig-Druck GmbH“
- 100%: „Limbach Druck- und Verlag GmbH“, Braunschweig (nicht zu verwechseln mit dem „Braunschweiger Zeitungsverlag - Druckhaus Albert Limbach GmbH“, Braunschweig)Braunschweiger Zeitung)
- 62%: „ÖKO-TEST Holding AG“
- 100% an der ÖKO-TEST Verlag GmbH (ÖKO-TEST Magazin) und der ÖKO-TEST Media GmbH beteiligt
- 47,5%: „Druckhaus Bayreuth Verlagsgesellschaft mbH“
- 62,5%: „Nordbayerischen Kurier GmbH & Co. Zeitungsverlag KG“ (Nordbayerischer Kurier)
- 40%: „Druck- und Verlagshaus Frankfurt am Main GmbH“ (Frankfurter Rundschau)[1]
- 40%: „Dresdner Druck- und Verlagshaus GmbH & Co. KG“ (Sächsische Zeitung, Morgenpost Sachsen)
- 35%: „Frankenpost Verlag GmbH“, Hof (Frankenpost)
- 30%: „Suhler Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG“" (Freies Wort, Südthüringer Zeitung)
- 30%: „Druck- und Verlagsanstalt ‚Neue Presse‘ GmbH“" (Neue Presse Coburg)
- nearly 21%: „Verlagsgesellschaft Madsack GmbH & Co.“ (u.a. Hannoversche Allgemeine, Neue Presse Hannover, Göttinger Tageblatt)
- 100%: „Leipziger Verlags- und Druckereigesellschaft mbH und Co. KG“ (Leipziger Volkszeitung, Dresdner Neueste Nachrichten)
- an den privaten Radiosendern FFN, Hit-Radio Antenne und Radio 21 beteiligt
- nearly 9%: „Rheinland-Pfälzische Rundfunk GmbH & Co. KG“" (Radio RPR)