Unbeknownst to most people, political correctness was invented in the 1920s by Marxists like Georg Lukacs and later introduced to America to initiate a Marxist revolution. It is important to remember the history of political correctness because, at face value, it looks like a way to change the way language is used, stamp out bigotry and create tolerance and equality for everyone. In reality, political correctness paves the way for the rise of a new society with its own biases, inequalities and bigotry. Let's have a look at how that works.
Today, a Non-White atheist lesbian learns from the social culture (media, television) and higher education that there are “strikes” against her because of who she is, and that the "evil White, Christian-dominated patriarchy" will cut her down and discriminate against her. But businesses can get in big trouble for hiring too few people like her, even if the job applicants during hiring, who happen to be of that kind, are no value to the company and the better candidate for the position is somebody else.
Otherwise, your company may be taken to court for "discrimination" if you do not have "enough" Non-Whites on staff. And, as Abercrombie & Fitch found out in 2005, you might have to pay $50 million in "damages". The $50 million settlement included a stipulation that, after a year and a half, the company had to have a certain percentage of African Americans, Latinos and women employed. Interestingly, the company was also forced to hire "diversity recruiters" - and, according to the settlement, Whites were not allowed to apply for the position:
The same advantages for people like the Non-White atheist lesbian exist outside of the workplace. Universities also have quotas to fill and, because there are far fewer Non-White applicants than Whites, Non-Whites will normally get into their university of choice before any White person with the same academic scores and intelligence. This is no longer a secret; in the last five years, USAToday admitted that colleges favor minority students (USAToday, June 23, 2003). And note how, once again, we are going down a pathway where keeping the fulfillment of the quota in mind is always one step further from a lawsuit.
Finally, when it comes time to finance one's education, there are a number of financial aid programs for the Non-White atheist lesbian, which Whites are not allowed to apply for. Here are a few of them below (Source: Guide to Scholarships for Minorities):
So, as we can see, race opens doors to employment opportunities, college admission and exclusive scholarships. But the Non-White atheist lesbian's sexual orientation also works in her favor. Take a look at the following scholarships and financial aid programs which are only made available to gays, lesbians and bisexuals (source):
But we are not done! That was only part of the list. There are many more grants offered on a state-by-state basis which are available to applicants who are from one particular state or another (for the complete list, click here).
In review, we have seen how the non-white atheistic lesbian's race and sexual orientation led to special privileges, free money and empowerment. So, what perks does the quest for education and employment bring the ordinary, "privileged" straight White male? Well, there are practically no special scholarships for him, and he will not be advanced in the line for ordinary scholarships either because there are not any quotas to fill that pertain to his gender or identity. Plus, if he is conservative or flaunts his ethnicity or heterosexuality, the only thing his ideas can do is get him in trouble: suspended, fired and so on.
In conclusion, the political correctness system yields an increasing amount of power to groups which were once underrepresented or advocates of things which were once considered to be backwards. As a result, we live in a world turned upside down. In this world, the media gives alternative lifestyle groups and non-white ethnic interest groups positive press and somehow claims they are disempowered and discriminated against. Nobody dares to speak out about anything negative that is done by these groups, as that would be politically incorrect. Those who oppose these new social norms and do not like what is happening to society because of the promotion of these groups can expect to be ridiculed for their "intolerance" and "close-mindedness." Thus, a new morality forms, based on one's openness to political correctness and those who are not open to political correctness are punished, shamed, and attacked with labels. You know them already: "closed-minded", "intolerant", "bigot", etc.
At the other end of the spectrum, words like “open-minded”, “free-spirited” and “humanist” become terms to describe any political suggestion which empowers and gives credence to all that was once discouraged or feared to challenge the functionality of society. The influence of these descriptors lingers regardless of circumstance, assigning a predetermined value to anything that is labeled as "open-minded", "free-spirited" or "humanist". The same happens to whatever is considered "intolerant" or "close-minded". In essence, you have a substitute for a rational evaluation of the circumstances using critical thought. The labels have already decided what you should think.
Like a disease, political correctness attacks the ability to think critically; nothing - not even an explicit interest of the national community - is powerful enough to trump political correctness and its one-word judgments. And look at the result: a new, wealthy and privileged, ideologically-compliant power core of so-called victims who nobody can touch. Tell me: does this remind you of anything? It certainly fits the Bolsheviks to the core. Given the roots of political correctness and the origins of Marxism, perhaps we should not be surprised.
Today, a Non-White atheist lesbian learns from the social culture (media, television) and higher education that there are “strikes” against her because of who she is, and that the "evil White, Christian-dominated patriarchy" will cut her down and discriminate against her. But businesses can get in big trouble for hiring too few people like her, even if the job applicants during hiring, who happen to be of that kind, are no value to the company and the better candidate for the position is somebody else.
Otherwise, your company may be taken to court for "discrimination" if you do not have "enough" Non-Whites on staff. And, as Abercrombie & Fitch found out in 2005, you might have to pay $50 million in "damages". The $50 million settlement included a stipulation that, after a year and a half, the company had to have a certain percentage of African Americans, Latinos and women employed. Interestingly, the company was also forced to hire "diversity recruiters" - and, according to the settlement, Whites were not allowed to apply for the position:
So, in reality, the Non-White atheist lesbian is actually at an advantage. She may get hired simply because there are not enough people like her. Moreover, the more people an employer hires that are like her, and aren't White or male, the less likely the employer is going to get hit with a discrimination lawsuit. What do you think are the consequences of such a mentality?
"In addition to the statements in the consent decree, Abercrombie & Fitch was required to hire 25 diversity recruiters. The recruiters are people of color, Asian Americans, and Latinos. Another mandatory position to be added to the company is the Vice President of diversity, who will oversee the progress of the company’s rate of completion of goals stated in the decree."
The same advantages for people like the Non-White atheist lesbian exist outside of the workplace. Universities also have quotas to fill and, because there are far fewer Non-White applicants than Whites, Non-Whites will normally get into their university of choice before any White person with the same academic scores and intelligence. This is no longer a secret; in the last five years, USAToday admitted that colleges favor minority students (USAToday, June 23, 2003). And note how, once again, we are going down a pathway where keeping the fulfillment of the quota in mind is always one step further from a lawsuit.
Finally, when it comes time to finance one's education, there are a number of financial aid programs for the Non-White atheist lesbian, which Whites are not allowed to apply for. Here are a few of them below (Source: Guide to Scholarships for Minorities):
ADHA Institute for Oral Health Colgate awards $1,250 to members of minorities groups that the company feel is underrepresented in the dental hygiene industry. Eligible groups include African Americans, Asians, Hispanics and Native Americans.
Adopt a Student Minority Scholarship Southern Newspaper Publishers Association awards a journalism scholarship in the amount of $2,000.00 with an automatic renewal if the receiver sustains a "C" while remaining in good standing. Once nominated by a member newspaper, the student then provides a written essay before the March 31st deadline.
AICPA Minority Scholarship Based upon financial necessity and academic accomplishments, 500 scholarships are being offered up to a maximum of $5000. Student‘s must meet the required 3.0 GPA minimum. There are no age limitations and non-traditional students are welcomed. Full time attendance is mandatory. Ethnic/cultural backgrounds comprise of African American, Alaskan American, Asian American, Chinese American, Japanese American, Mexican American, Native American, Hispanic, and Latino. Collegians are required to be majoring in accounting.
American Hotel Foundation Minority Scholarship University of Missouri – Columbia is sponsoring this $1000 scholarship to any United States minority citizen employed in the hotel trade. Candidate must have a GPA minimum of 3.0.
AICPA Fellowship for Minority Doctoral Students A renewable fellowship is awarded up to an amount of $12,000 annually to any United States citizen or permanent resident who holds a Master’s Degree or has three years of experience in accounting. Must be a full time student working toward a doctoral CPA degree and whose ethnicity is Black/African American; Native American or Hispanic/Latino.
Ann and Charles Rosenthal Minority Scholarship Every four years the State University of New York at Binghamton offers two $3,500 awards to full time scholars who exhibit high academic success. Recipients must maintain a 3.0 GPA minimum and show financial neediness. African-American applicants are given preference.
AMS Industry Minority Scholarship A one time renewable $3000 scholarship is award to a United States applicant with a Black/African-American, Native American or Hispanic descent. Candidate must be studying atmospheric science, oceanic science, hydrologic science or meteorology. Academic ability is major in the selection process. Requirements include: Transcripts and standard test scores, as well as a recommendation.
APA- AIA Minority Scholarship Program Archaeological Institute of America (AIA) offers an annual scholarship of $3,000 to an undergraduate in any country in the field of classical studies. Emphasis is on proposals such as summer programs of field schools abroad as well as institutional language training in Canada, Europe or U.S. Eligibility is based upon academic classic qualifications both in language and studies as well as other prerequisites. Diversity of race includes Asian/Pacific Islander, Black, Hispanic/non-Hispanic and Native American.
Association for Women’s Geoscientist Minority Scholarship This is a new program sponsored by Association for Women Geoscientists, offering one or more renewable awards totaling the amount of $6,000. This scholarship supports young minority women in their pursuit of an education in geosciences; it is presented during the summer to use the following academic year. It provides a mentor to offer support and guidance. Candidates must be of African-American, Native American or Hispanic descent.
Bailey Minority Scholarship With a possible 150 applicants, $500 is dispersed within a range of up to 10 scholarships. Applicant must be learning abroad at a council study program and be an affiliate of an under-represented group. Deadline for summer and fall is April 1st and spring is November 1st.
CG Chase Construction Minority Scholarship The University of Florida sponsors two awards in the amount of $2,500 for candidate’s studying in the area of building construction. Applicants are required to be student minorities from Dade County, FL with emphasis on returning for employment in Dade County employment upon graduation. Selection is financially based.
Chicago Sun-Times Minority Scholarship This $1,500 journalism award is sponsored by the Chicago Sun-Times for minority college student candidates who have been living for the last five years in the Chicago-area or graduated from a high school based in Chicago. It also includes a fully paid summer internship. Deadline is December 15.
Clarence CJ James Memorial Minority Scholarship TThis minority student applicant must have, and retain, at least a 3.0 GPA minimum with an ACT minimum composite score of 20. They must be continuously enrolled in an accredited college. Sponsored by Nicholls State University, there will be 10 recipients awarded $1,000. Deadline to apply is January 5th.
Coca Cola Minority Scholarship This scholarship is awarded to minority students planning for a citrus industry career. While the maximum award is $2,000 the average is usually $1,500.The minimum award amount is $1,000.00. The deadline for the application is January 15th.
Donald Innis Memorial Minority Scholarship The scholarship is awarded to an applicant they deem as being an outstanding minority student. The award amount is $600 and there is no deadline for applying. Sponsor is the State University of New York College of Arts and Sciences at Geneseo.
Dottie Monro Presidential Minority Scholarship The applicant for this scholarship is required to be African American. The University of Alabama at Birmingham sponsors the $2,500 award.
Edward D Stone Jr. and Associates Minority Scholarship There are two landscape architecture scholarships available in the amount of $1,000. Deadline for the application is March 31st. Applicant needs to submit financial aid forms, an essay, either black and white snap shots of best work or slides, and two recommendation letters. Student candidate is required be a minority. Sponsor is the Landscape Architecture Foundation.
Edward Jones Minority Scholarship Edward Jones is a financial company in St. Louis, and offers ten incoming freshmen minority students a scholarship of $10,000 in the pursuit of entrepreneurship. Additionally they will have the opportunity to network in the Springfield, Missouri area and attend various lectures and fieldtrip throughout the state.
Fisher Broadcasting Minority Scholarship Twenty applicants vie for five renewable scholarships offered for any candidates enrolled in the broadcasting program. While the maximum award is $15,000 the average is $4,000 with a minimum of $1,000. Applicant will need to maintain at least a 2.0 GPA, remain involved in journalism, marketing, or broadcasting courses and be of a non-white origin. This sponsorship is not available to freshmen.
Fredrikson and Byron Foundation Minority Scholarship This $5,000 scholarship will be presented to a first-year law student. The cut-off for the number of applicants is 40 and while the maximum awards are two, the average offered is one. The deadline for your application is March 31st.
Freedom Forum Minority Scholarship This scholarship gives preference to candidates from areas of Tampa, Pensacola, Melbourne/Cocoa and Ft. Myers. It is mandatory to be a minority journalism student. The maximum number of awards is three with an average amount of $2,250.
General Motors Minority Scholarship The average numbers of scholarships available for this $5000 award is two. The major requisition is that you are a minority student studying in the automotive marketing area. The deadline for your application is March 1st. The scholarship will be awarded to the student who demonstrates financial justification as well as academic merit.
Graduate International/ Minority Scholarship This $4,000 scholarship is sponsored by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation. To be eligible you must be a master level student and enrolled in a credited program approved by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Council on Academic Accreditation. A submission form must be accompanied by a goal oriented cover letter, official GPA transcripts, declaration of good standing, an essay and recommendations.
Jack B Eckley Minority Scholarship in Telecommunications The University of San Francisco is offering two, unspecified dollar-amount, scholarships in telecommunications to minority applicants who are full time graduate students and are residing in California.
James T and Joanne Lynagh Endowed Minority Scholarship This renewable $1,000 communication scholarship is being offered by the University of Alabama to any minority applicant who is enrolled full time with a 3.0 GPA minimum. Deadline for applications are December 1st for freshman and January 15th, for all other applicants.
Kansas Ethnic Minority Scholarship Recipients of this ethnic minority scholarship are required to attend a state university, independent college or a Kansas community college. Applicants must be members of Asian/Pacific Islander, African American, Alaskan Native, American Indian, or Hispanic descent. Precedence is given to freshmen. Students will be given up to $1,850 per year depending upon financial necessity. You must meet one out of the five academic criteria plus completion of the Kansas Scholars Curriculum.
Knight Foundation Minority Scholarship Twenty scholarships are offered to minority students by the University of Florida for advertising and journalism. While the maximum amount awarded is $3,000 and the minimum is $1,500, the average runs about $2,250.
Knight Ridder Inc Minority Scholarship Detroit Free Press is offering scholarships in journalism and communications to Native American, Asian-American, Hispanic and black minorities who hold a GPA 3.0 minimum. The deadline for the applications is January 15th.
LITA/ LSSI Minority Scholarship The LITA/LSSI Minority Scholarships offers students who are continuing or just beginning a master's in all library and information sciences. It is mandatory for all candidates to a United States/Canadian citizen as well as a part of a major minority group such as Asian/Pacific Islander, Alaskan native, American Indian, Hispanic or African-American and possess a solid commitment to the automation/technology field/career.
LITA/ OCLC Minority Scholarship in Library and Information Technology American Library Association is offering a $2,500 scholarship in library automation to a Pacific Islander, American Indian, Alaskan Native, African-American, Hispanic, or Asian minority who is a United State or Canadian legal resident.
Masters in Social Work Minority Scholarship Applicant for this $2,500 social work scholarship being sponsored by Walla Walla College must be of Hispanic, Native American or African-American descent. The scholarship is renewable under specific conditions. Ten awards are available.
Medical Library Association Minority Scholarship Applicants for this $5,000 library science scholarship should be descendents from Native Americans, blacks, Hispanics, Asians or Pacific Islanders. Qualifications also necessitate that you enter an ALA-accredited graduate library college, and have no less than half of your academic requirements that need completion, done throughout the year, subsequent to yielding the scholarship. A United States or Canadian residence is mandatory.
Miami Herald Minority Scholarship University of Florida is sponsoring minority students who plan a career in journalism or newspaper advertising. One to three awards are available in the amount ranging from $1,500 to $3,000 with the average being $2,250.
Minority Scholarship Award for College Students Selection for this chemical engineering scholarship is based on partaking in AIChE student/professional activities, your academic record, career objectives, as well as financial necessity. Either the faculty, American Institute of Chemical Engineers members, or their leaders, nominate minorities for this $1,000 award.
Minority Scholarship Award for Incoming College Freshmen This $1,000 scholarship sponsored by the American Institute of Chemical Engineers in the field of chemical engineering is selected based on financial need, involvement in school/work activities and your academic record. Applicants are nominated by a professor or an AIChE member or AIChE leader.
Minority Scholarship in Classics and Classical Archeology The Archaeological Institute of America and the American Philological Association is inviting applications for a scholarship with a maximum amount of $3,000 to minority undergraduate students. This award will assist an undergraduate in classics or classical archaeology. Awarded upon financial need, proposal interest (not limited to) in field schools abroad, summer programs or language training in Europe, Canada or the U.S, as well as students academic qualifications. Candidates need to be a citizen/permanent resident of Canada or the United States.
NCSA Minority Scholarship The National Collegiate Scouting Association (NCSA) bestows Leadership Grants to any student athlete based on financial need, community service, their GPA, and of course their leadership abilities. Applicants are chosen utilizing a strategic point technique that evaluates each submission. Along with your individual application you will need to fill financial information as well.
New York Times Minority Scholarship This advertising and journalism scholarship offered by University of Florida is available for minority students. Students can recieve up to $3,000.
Decatur-Morgan County Minority Development Association scholarships To be eligible for the Russell Lee Priest $1500 scholarship, you will need to meet all requirements. It is mandatory you have 3.0 GPA minimum, you must be a minority student as well as a resident of Lawrence or Morgan County. You need to be a college freshman or a senior in high school with proof of acceptance to a college. Financial ability is also taken into consideration.
Orlando Sentinel/ Sun- Sentinel of Ft Lauderdale Minority Scholarship Any minority student who plans a career in journalism or newspaper advertising My apply for the University of Florida $3,000 maximum scholarship award. First choice is given to candidates from the Orlando and Ft. Lauderdale areas.
Palm Beach Post Minority Scholarship This sponsorship is an amount up to $3,000 and offered by the University of Florida. Candidates must be from West Palm Beach as well as a minority student studying advertising and journalism.
Phillip L Graham Minority Scholarship Contact Charles J. Harris, Director of Scholarships, Placement, and Multicultural Affairs at 352 392-1265 in regards to the four available telecommunication scholarships being offered by the University of Florida. Applicants need to be considered a minority student and come from the Miami or Jacksonville, Florida area.
Pilot Oil Corp Minority Scholarship The University of Tennessee in Knoxville is sponsoring a renewable $1,500 finance scholarship. This is a four year award and the candidate must be a minority undergraduate enrolled full time. The following preference order is: resident of the Knoxville area in TN, the area of East Tennessee, any where else in Tennessee, the southeastern United States, or other region.
Procter and Gamble Minority Scholarship The North Carolina State University is awarding three $1,000 chemical engineering scholarships to minority undergraduates. It is mandatory to utilize this scholarship at the North Carolina State University. The application deadline is February 1st.
RDW Group Inc Minority Scholarship for Communications The Rhode Island Foundation is sponsoring a $2,000 communications scholarship to any Rhode Island minority resident. Contact Libby Monahan at libbym@rifoundation.org before the April 29th detail deadline.
SNET Minority Scholarship A business and communications scholarship award for the amount of $1,250 is being offered by Albertus Magnus College in Connecticut. Candidates need to be Hispanic or African-American, possess a 3.0 GPA minimum as well as being a senior, junior, sophomore or second semester freshman.
SOA/ CAS Minority Scholarship Society of Actuaries/Casualty Actuarial Society in IL is sponsoring 24 scholarships out of a possible 60 applicants. The maximum award could be $1,800 and the minimum $500. Selection is determined by financial need, academic merit and racial/ethnic background. This recipient of this actuarial science scholarship must reapply for a renewal.
St Petersburg Times Minority Scholarship The applicant for this possible $3,000 scholarship offered by the University of Florida will be a minority undergraduate who is in preparation for a career in advertising or print journalism. St. Petersburg area candidates are given preference.
SUNY Binghamton Minority Scholarship Minority Scholarship - SUNY Binghamton offers a scholarship award offered to college students who succeed in the classroom and in the community. Recipients can utilize the scholarship at private or public institutions. The scholarship assists with tuition. For considered candidates not only file an application but might need to compose an essay, provide letters of recommendations or be interviewed. Scholarship is for both private or public institutions.
KATU Thomas Dargan Minority Scholarship This $6,000 scholarship is to assist minority students in completing their broadcasting or communications education. Minority candidates of Asian, Hispanic/Latino, Alaska Native, Native American, black/African-American or Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander are considered and need to be registered in a four year communication or broadcast curriculum in, at least, their second year of a certified community college, regular college or university in Washington or Oregon, or still a resident of the two states while attending any out-of-state facility. A GPA of 3.0 and above is mandatory. Criteria are based on need, academic achievement, personal qualities and letters of recommendations.
U.S. Bank Minority Scholarship These five, $2,000 business and economics scholarships are sponsored by Western Washington University. Applicants must reside in a community that operate a U.S. Bank, and demonstrate potential with a strong academic merit. The minority candidate can be an Asian/Pacific Islander, Native American, African-American, or Hispanic-American.
University of Memphis Minority Scholarship AFROTC Express Scholarship assists both non-minority and minority university students who are aspiring for degrees pertaining to Air Force specialties. A minimum 2.65 college GPA is necessary in order to apply. Eligible minorities can apply regardless of their choice of an academic major but non-minority students will need to contact the college department with their desired academic majors. These scholarships can be obtained for two to three years. They cover books, fees and full tuition. A $200 nontaxable monthly subsistence is provided also.William G Anderson, DO Minority Scholarship American Osteopathic Foundation is offering a $5,000 grant to a minority student studying osteopathic medicine. You may contact Brian K. Hagon, Program Coordinator at bhagon@aoa-net.org for more information.
Wilmington College Minority Scholarship Wilmington College offers a renewable scholarship in the amount of $6,000 for minority applicants who demonstrate financial need, maintain a 2.5 GPA minimum and rank in top percentile of their class. Deadline is May 1st.
Xerox Technical Minority Scholarship Xerox has established a minority scholarship for recruitment of employees in fields of technology. Scholarships availability ranges from $1,000 to $10,000 depending upon classification, academic excellence and tuition balance. Candidates must be descendants of Hispanic, Asian, Pacific Island, African American, and Native Alaskan or Native American groups. They must hold a 3.0 GPA or better and enrolled as an undergraduate or graduate full time.
So, as we can see, race opens doors to employment opportunities, college admission and exclusive scholarships. But the Non-White atheist lesbian's sexual orientation also works in her favor. Take a look at the following scholarships and financial aid programs which are only made available to gays, lesbians and bisexuals (source):
American Atheists Gay/Lesbian College Scholarship
http://www.atheists.org/youth_and_family/scholarship dsilverman@atheists.org P.O. Box 5733
Attn: Scholarship
Parsippany, NJ 7054APIQWTC Scholarship
Funds two $400 scholarships for Asian Pacific Islander lesbian, bisexual, or queer women or transgender individuals pursuing technical/professional training or higher education.
http://www.apiqwtc.org/ amysueyoshi@yahoo.com Amy Sueyoshi
1879 41st Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94122Bill and Ann Shepherd Legal Scholarship Fund
Funds scholarships for third or fourth year law student with demonstrated intent to practice law and promote the rights of the GLBT community.
http://www.equityfoundation.org/scholarships.htm info@equityfoundation.org Equity Foundation
P.O. Box 5696
Portland, OR 97228-5696Chrysler Fund Reaching Out MBA Scholarship
Funds scholarships nationwide for LGBT first year students enrolled or planning to enroll in a two-year graduate business school program.
http://www.reachingoutmba.org/ scholarship@reachingoutmba.org 922 Rainier Road
Charlottesville, VA 22903COLAGE Lee Dubin Memorial Fund
Funds four $1,000 scholarships for post-secondary students who have one or more LGBTQ parent(s)/guardian(s) and have demonstrated ability and commitment to effecting change in the LGBTQ community and the community at large.
http://www.colage.org/programs/academic/leedubin.htm scholarship@colage.org COLAGE Scholarship Committee
1550 Bryant Street, Suite 830
San Francisco, CA 94103Colin Higgins Youth Courage Awards
Colin Higgins Foundation awards grants to youth activists ages 13 to 21 that have shown courage in fighting for LGBT human rights in their communities. To be considered for a grant, one must be nominated.
http://www.colinhiggins.org/courageawards/index.cfm info@colinhiggins.org c/o Tides Foundation NY Office
55 Exchange Place, Suite 402
New York, NY 10005Committee on LGBT History
The $200 Joan Nestle Prize is awarded every other year for the best undergraduate paper on LGBTQ history. The Gregory Sprague Prize is awarded every other year to a graduate student.
http://clgbthistory.org/prizes/joan-nestle-prize/ lekus@fas.harvard.edu Harvard University
Barker Center, 12 Quincy Street
Cambridge, MA 02138Davis-Putter Scholarship Fund
Funds needs-based scholarships for students actively working toward peace and justice at an accredited institution.
http://www.davisputter.org/index.html information@davisputter.org P.O. Box 7307
New York, NY 10116-7307Dr Alma S. Adams Scholarship for Outreach and Health Communications
Awards $5,000 annually for up to two candidates pursuing undergraduate or graduate studies who have demonstrated a commitment to community service or used the visual arts or media to convey culturally-appropriate health messages on behalf of a disadvantaged population.
http://www.legacyforhealth.org/adams-scholarship.aspx adamsscholarship@americanlegacy.org Adams Scholarship Fund
1724 Massachusetts Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20036Fund for Lesbian and Gay Scholarships (FLAGS)
P.O. Box 48320
Los Angeles, CA 90048-0320Gammu Mu Foundation Scholarships
Funds scholarship for gay men who are either living in or have come from a rural area and plan to attend a post-secondary institution or a vocational program.
http://www.gammamufoundation.org/grant_scholarships/scholarships.htmHRC Foundation Generation Equality Scholarships
Funds three non-renewable $2,000 scholarships for LGBT and allied students who have demonstrated exceptional commitment to the fight for queer equality.
http://www.hrc.org/geneqscholarship campus@hrc.orgJeremy D. Protas LGBT Patent Law Scholarship
This scholarship awards $1000 to a well-qualified LGBT candidate interested in pursuing a career in patent law. Applicants must be a second-year law student (or third year part time) and be eligible to take the patent bar exam.
http://jeremy.protas.org/scholarship/ scholarship@protas.orgKarMel Scholarship
http://www.karenandmelody.com/KarMelScholarship.html KarMelScholarship@gmail.com P.O. Box 70382
Sunnyvale, CA 94086Kenneth W. Payne Student Prize Competition
Funds scholarships for undergrad or grad student who writes a scholarly anthropological paper/study on a LGBT topic.
http://www.uvm.edu/~dlrh/solga/prizes/Payne/PayneMain.html akakalio@whittier.edu Ann Kakaliouras
Whittier College, 13406 Philadelphia Street
Whittier, CA 90608LBGT Physician Assistant Student Leadership Award
Two $1000 grants to support the development of future LGBT Physician Assistant (PA) leaders. These grants are awarded to openly LGBT PA students who are committed to LGBT healthcare equality.
http://www.lbgtpa.org/students/lbgpa_scholarship.html info@lbgtpa.org LBGT PA Caucus
c/o AAPA Constituent Organization Development
Alexandria, VA 22314LEAGUE Foundation Matthew Shepard Scholarship
Funds scholarship for a student who demonstrated leadership in promoting diversity and understanding in the community.
http://www.leaguefoundation.org/scholarships/shepard.cfm info@LEAGUEFoundation.org LEAGUE Foundation
One AT&T Way, Room 4B214J
Bedminster, NJ 07921-2694LEAGUE Foundation Scholarships
Funds scholarships for LGBT high school seniors planning to attend an institution of higher education.
http://www.leaguefoundation.org/scholarships/index.cfm info@LEAGUEFoundation.org LEAGUE Foundation
One AT&T Way, Room 4B214J
Bedminster, NJ 07921-2694Lee Dubin Scholarship Fund
Funds scholarships for the child of at least one LGBT parent who demonstrates an ability and commitment to affecting change in the LGBT community.
http://www.colage.org/programs/academic/leedubin.htm colage@colage.org COLAGE Scholarship Committee
3543 18th St, #1
San Francisco, CA 94110LGBT Foreign Affairs Scholarship
A $2,500 scholarship for a disadvantaged student who plans to intern in a foreign affairs-related field.
http://www.glifaa.org/ lgbtscholarship@glifaa.orgLGBT HEART Scholarship
http://www.lgbtheart.org/scholars.html scholarships@lgbtheart.org 51 N. 3rd St., Ste. 331
Philadelphia, PA 19106Limp Wrist Scholarship/Poetry Contest
http://dbrookshire.blogspot.com/2008/10/update-limp-wrist-scholarshippoetry.html dustin@limpwristmag.comLive Out Loud Educational Scholarship
http://www.liveoutloud.info/what_we_do.html#scholarship info@liveoutloud.info P.O. Box 312
New York, NY 10113Malyon-Smith Scholarship Award
Funds scholarships to support graduate student research in the psychology of sexual orientation and gender identity.
http://www.apadivision44.org/honors/malyon-smith.php Am. Psychological Assoc. Division 44
695 Charles Young Dr. S #5524
Los Angeles, CA 90095-7088Messenger-Anderson Journalism Scholarship
http://www.thetaskforce.org/about_us/interns_and_fellows/messenger-anderson thetaskforce@thetaskforce.org NGLTF
80 Maiden Lane, Suite 1504
New York, NY 10038Michael Greenberg Student Writing Competition
Writing competition open to all students attending an ABA-accredited law school. Applicants must submit a paper on a cutting edge legal issue affecting the LGBTI community.
http://www.lgbtbar.org/competition.html Craig.Konnoth@LGBTbar.orgmtvU/Point Foundation
Funds scholarship for LGBT student who has demonstrated leadership, scholastic achievement, participation in extracurricular activities, involvement in the LGBT community and financial or emotional need.
http://www.mtvu.com/on_mtvu/activism/point_foundation_scholarship/NGPA Education Fund Scholarships
Funds scholarships for members of the gay and lesbian community who are pursuing careers as professional pilots.
http://www.ngpa.org/content.aspx?page_id=22&club_id=189069&module_id=23832 info@ngpa.org PO Box 7271
Dallas, TX 75209-0271NLGJA Kay Longcope Scholarship Award
Funds scholarship for an LGBT person of color planning to pursue a career in journalism. Applicants must attend or plan on attending a U.S. community college or four-year university.
http://www.nlgja.org/students/longcope.htm info@nlgja.org National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association
1420 K St NW, Suite 910
Washington, DC 20005NLGJA Leroy F. Aarons Scholarship Award
Funds $5000 scholarship for an LGBT student planning to pursue a career in journalism. Applicant must attend or plan to attend a U.S. community college or four-year university.
http://www.nlgja.org/students/aarons.htm info@nlgja.org National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association
1420 K St NW, Suite 910
Washington, DC 20005NLGLA Michael Greenberg Student Writing Competition
Awards scholarships to law students writing about cutting edge legal issues affecting the LGBT and/or intersex community.
http://www.nlgla.org/competition.html info@nlgla.org 601 13 St, N.W., #1170 South
Washington, DC 20005-3823NWSA Graduate Scholarships in Lesbian Studies
http://www.nwsa.org/students/scholarships/lcguide.php nwsa@nwsa.org National Women's Studies Association Lesbian Caucus
7100 Baltimore Ave., Ste 502
College Park, MD 20740Out to Protect Scholarship
Awards a $500 Law Enforcement Scholarship to LGBT individuals or straight allies pursuing a career in law enforcement as a means of supporting "out" individuals serving as positive role models in law enforcement.
http://www.outtoprotect.org/outtoprotectscholarshipinfo.htmlPFLAG National Scholarships Program
Funds scholarships for LGBT and Allied graduating high school seniors entering higher education who have demonstrated an interest in service to the LGBT community.
http://community.pflag.org/Page.aspx?pid=370 scholarships@pflag.org Suzanne Greenfield, Safe Schools Coordinator
1726 M St. NW, Suite 400
Washington, DC 20036Pride Law Fund Fellowships
Funds scholarships nationwide for law students working under the supervision of an attorney at a 501c(3) tax exempt non-profit organization anywhere in the country.
http://www.pridelawfund.org/fellowships P.O. Box 2602
San Francisco, CA 94126-2602Queer Foundation Effective Writing and Scholarships Program
To promote effective writing by, about, and/or for queer youth, the Queer Foundation offers $1,000 scholarships to high school seniors who win the essay contest and plan to attend a college or university and study queer theory or related fields.
http://queerfoundation.org/Documents/scholarships.html queerfoundation@queerfoundation.org Queer Foundation
3213 W. Wheeler St., #145
Seattle, WA 98199Roy Scrivner Memorial Research Grants
The Roy Scrivner Research Grants provide graduate student grants for empirical or applied research that encourages the study of LGBT family psychology and LGBT family therapy. Strong preference given to dissertation candidates.
http://www.apa.org/apf/funding/scrivner.aspxThe Bee Winkler Weinstein Fund
Funds young women whose own families have withdrawn emotional and/or financial support because of their sexual and/or gender identity by providing grants covering vocational/technical training, licensing fees, college application fees and the like.
http://www.stonewallfoundation.org/grantprograms_scholarships.php?Section=Scholarships&lid=2 stonewall@stonewallfoundation.org Bee's Fund
119 West 24 Street
New York, New York 10011The Gene and John Athletic Scholarship
Offers scholarships of $2,500 and $5,000 with a reliable pool of resources (both monetary and community-based)to gay and lesbian athletes looking to continue their education while pursuing athletics in order to help them reach their potential and realize their dreams.
http://www.geneandjohnfoundation.org/fs_scholarships.htm stonewall@stonewallfoundation.org Gene and John Athletic Fund of Stonewall Community Foundation
119 West 24th Street
New York, New York 10011The Harry Bartel Memorial Scholarship Fund
http://www.stonewallfoundation.org/grantprograms_scholarships.php?Section=Scholarships&lid=2 stonewall@stonewallfoundation.orgThe Point Foundation
Funds scholarships for undergrad, grad and post-grad students who are marginalized because of their sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.
http://www.thepointfoundation.org/scholarships.html applicationinfo@pointfoundation.org 5757 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 370
Los Angeles, CA 90027Tidal Wave Scholarship Fund
These $1000 scholarships will be awarded to GLBT students, as well as to students of GLBT parents, who can demonstrate financial need, as well as a background of positive contribution to their local GLBT community.
http://www.tidalwavescholarship.com/ scholarshipfund@tidalwaveparty.com 3467 Foxcroft Circle
Oviedo, FL 32765Tom Steel Post-Graduate Fellowship
Funds scholarships for public interest law projects for law students eligible to graduate in the spring or lawyers who are within 3 years of graduating from law school.
http://www.pridelawfund.org/fellowships/steel.html application@PrideLawFund.org Pride Law Fund
P.O. Box 2602
San Francisco, CA 94126-2602Transgender Scholarship and Legacy Funds
Funds scholarships for post-secondary students committed to affecting change in the transgender community though studies in the helping and caring professions.
http://www.tself.org/ TSELF Awards Committee
P.O. Box 540229
Waltham, MA 02454-0229Traub-Dicker Rainbow Scholarship
Awards three $3,000 scholarships to lesbian-identified students in two categories: 1) Graduating high school seniors who plan on attending a recognized college or university; and, 2) Already matriculated college students in any year of study, including graduate school.
http://www.stonewallfoundation.org/grantprograms_scholarships.php?Section=Scholarships&lid=2 stonewall@stonewallfoundation.org Traub-Dicker Rainbow Scholarship, Stonewall Community Foundation
119 West 24th Street
New York, New York 10011-1995Wayne F. Placek Grants
But we are not done! That was only part of the list. There are many more grants offered on a state-by-state basis which are available to applicants who are from one particular state or another (for the complete list, click here).
In review, we have seen how the non-white atheistic lesbian's race and sexual orientation led to special privileges, free money and empowerment. So, what perks does the quest for education and employment bring the ordinary, "privileged" straight White male? Well, there are practically no special scholarships for him, and he will not be advanced in the line for ordinary scholarships either because there are not any quotas to fill that pertain to his gender or identity. Plus, if he is conservative or flaunts his ethnicity or heterosexuality, the only thing his ideas can do is get him in trouble: suspended, fired and so on.
In conclusion, the political correctness system yields an increasing amount of power to groups which were once underrepresented or advocates of things which were once considered to be backwards. As a result, we live in a world turned upside down. In this world, the media gives alternative lifestyle groups and non-white ethnic interest groups positive press and somehow claims they are disempowered and discriminated against. Nobody dares to speak out about anything negative that is done by these groups, as that would be politically incorrect. Those who oppose these new social norms and do not like what is happening to society because of the promotion of these groups can expect to be ridiculed for their "intolerance" and "close-mindedness." Thus, a new morality forms, based on one's openness to political correctness and those who are not open to political correctness are punished, shamed, and attacked with labels. You know them already: "closed-minded", "intolerant", "bigot", etc.
At the other end of the spectrum, words like “open-minded”, “free-spirited” and “humanist” become terms to describe any political suggestion which empowers and gives credence to all that was once discouraged or feared to challenge the functionality of society. The influence of these descriptors lingers regardless of circumstance, assigning a predetermined value to anything that is labeled as "open-minded", "free-spirited" or "humanist". The same happens to whatever is considered "intolerant" or "close-minded". In essence, you have a substitute for a rational evaluation of the circumstances using critical thought. The labels have already decided what you should think.
Like a disease, political correctness attacks the ability to think critically; nothing - not even an explicit interest of the national community - is powerful enough to trump political correctness and its one-word judgments. And look at the result: a new, wealthy and privileged, ideologically-compliant power core of so-called victims who nobody can touch. Tell me: does this remind you of anything? It certainly fits the Bolsheviks to the core. Given the roots of political correctness and the origins of Marxism, perhaps we should not be surprised.