
Beware of the "American Dream" - and the Rothschilds

Holy book burning in Israel: less offensive than a Christian's threat to burn a Koran?

Massive Israeli manipulation of US media exposed

5 Israeli soldiers die during training Romania?

Will your taxes build Israel's new, $200 million missile system?

Israel has nukes, tried to sell them to South Africa

Jewish Democrat: "that reminds me of Nazi Germany"

Israel’s big and small apartheids

When is there a "national emergency" in Europe?

The globalist blueprint to take over the world: copying the lessons of the boy who cried wolf

Civil servant fined, disgraced and facing sack over anti-Israel rant

Israel gets tough on intermarriage: more Israeli/Jewish double standards

What do you know about CAMERA?

Holocaust victims, Holodomor perpetrators and the battle over history

Religious tolerance in Israel? How about 5 years in prison for preaching a non-Jewish religion?

Emotional ransom and thought-opoly: a look inside the lib-leftist toolbox

The Bush regime, 9/11 and the power of America's Israel-firsters

U.S. man who gave secrets to Israel spared prison

Dr. Noel Ignatiev (Harvard) and Higher Education Exposed

U.S. aid to Israel: the numbers are simply astounding